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Ah there was a </span> that somehow appeared in the midle it seem, try it again ? ;;;

<div class="col-sm-6">
<span class="text-uppercase text-muted">
<span class="pull-right">
<audio controls="" style="width:150px;height:25px;">
<source src="wowmuchmp3link"></audio>



Ooh this weird. So this is what my code is showing me:But_no..PNG

But I also checked the source like you did and its showing me this too:

Unless i'm being very dumb and blind (and I haven't slept yet so this could very be possible), I'm not seeing that extra span

umh... It's making a </span> appear afterward cause it's not closed uh.... can you try that maybe ? 

<div class="col-sm-6">
<span class="text-uppercase text-muted">
<span class="pull-right">
<audio controls="" style="width:150px;height:25px;">
<source src="wowmuchmp3link"></audio></span>

Rip, same thing. This is definitely an odd one O_o

Since I can't test directly It's a bit tricky for me to try and help ;;;;

maybe try this or that ? //basically just moving the </span> around hoping it'll find it's place ahah//

<div class="col-sm-6"><span class="text-uppercase text-muted">Song</span>
<span class="pull-right"><audio controls="" style="width:150px;height:25px;"><source src="wowmuchmp3link"></span></audio>

<div class="col-sm-6"><span class="text-uppercase text-muted">Song</span>
<span class="pull-right"><audio controls="" style="width:150px;height:25px;"></span><source src="wowmuchmp3link"></audio>

otherwise I have another suggestion ?

<div class="col-sm-6">
<audio controls="" style="width:100%;height:25px;"><source src="wowmuchmp3link"></audio>


So using the alternative version, I realized I could put the word content back and above it to just have it labeled. So I'm not sure why the span was going crazy, but this works! Thank you for working with me on this XD


5 Replies