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thanks omg aa

my pup sadly had only one front leg and she was blind in one eye too :( 

she was a german shepherd and I bit something else ( I don't remember since I was so young ) and she was hit by a car so. she never had white irises but I don't remember her eye colour so I just left the charas one white! :]

aw :( true rescue dog though amirite D:

asdklj that must be sad that she got hit by a car, my cat whom I had since I was 2 ran away last year :'D

she never was one officially but I do feel she would have been qualified enough honestly :] <33

but actually, surprisingly she survived! and outlived my grandma's dog too who was her brother pfft-

omg that's terrible :( and it's only been one year too- it still must be so saddening I'm so sorry to hear that 

whoa that's super pog- was her brother younger or older?

aa yeah honestly I was expecting him just to die with us but he accidentally got stuck in the basement and thought we were trying to murder him cause we were also fixing the sunroom which was where he stayed

Younger lmaoo- it’s a family joke that’s been running for as long as I can remember if I’m right! 

pfft omg if I had a cat I don’t think we would get along at all :’) personally I think all cats hate me or maybe it’s just the overwhelming smell of dog on all my sweaters 🤔 /hj 

:O wow!

hhaha honestly, my cat just like hates everyone he doesn't know.... once a giant shrew thing came into where he was living and attacked him like what the heck

2 years ago i wasn't allowed to go to my friend's house because the smell of cat on my clothes scared their bunny so badly ljalkj

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