Comments on O: OCs ♡ LF: Art All Comments

Hello! I'm interested in drawing in exchange for ren and/or popun (tho ofc i understand why you'd like to keep him)!
I can draw anything that sums up to the worth they have. Or a bit more honestly!
So here are my prices! headshot $15; chibi/halfbody $20; fullbody $25;
simple shading +$5; full shading +$10
scene $35 (includes full shading)
And depending on what you'd choose it would take me up to the end of September since my school year starts soon ^^'
Art examples below~

headshots + icons art_example_icon_head.png

chibis art_example_chibi.png

fullbodies art_example_fullbod.png

scenes art_example_scenes1.png

also yes tokyo ghoul gender man,,, i have a pin with him gaaah~