Comments on August Bulletin + Free MYO Event [2021] All Comments

requested and heres the bulletin! [x]
also, sorry for asking but I'm trying to wrap my head around the last bit,
" However, there's more ^^! For members with Clarephs, you can gain rewards as well! Simply have someone who has never owned a Clareph before do the following instructions above and make sure they add that they were referred to the species by you! (Please reply to their comment confirming you referred them for my sake, haha.)

Those that refer FTOs to the species will receive ONE Ethereal Wish (special trait applier) OR a Blessed MYO! ", if I were to refer my friend after getting a free myo, do I count towards this? 

hey! tysm for taking interest in the species, here's your slot <3 :

and to answer your question, yes! You can also refer another person and earn a ethereal wish or blessed myo ^^!