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:manifests: HAII i would b interested in comm :00

may i get three clean lineart + color + wiggle icons?

would lov em of these three !! delta / galileo / coast

i believe the total should b 750? but thats too little so im paying 1k if thats alright !!

YEA YEA!! I could totally do that for you ^^ AND YEA PAYING EXTRA IS DEFINITELY ALRIGHT AS LONG AS YOUR OKAY WITH IT 🙏 i appreciate it a ton 😭 send the points to here and ill get started ^^

sent !! :DD 

TYSM MAN!! before i start do you want any specific poses/expressions for each of the icons? 

not rlly !! jus prefer no sad/angry expressions but besides that everything's up 2 u !!

ALRIGHT THEN! ill get back to you once im done :]

4 Replies