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knock knock?

The eye slot seems to have been left open, but no one immediately comes into view. "You here to buy?" They call out from somewhere inside the shack. Is it just you, or do they sound a little on edge?

Yes, I'm here to buy a geneode, with Halogens, please

"Mm, good." They start muttering inaudibly as you hear them rummaging around, before they finally approach the door, and offer you a Pink Geneode


Inside your Geneode is... Cloven Hooves!


Please link back to this comment when deducting your spent halogens and using or trading your Geneode!

can I please get a re-roll please?

Your reroll is... Gradient Sclera!


Please link back to this comment when deducting your spent halogens and using or trading your Geneode!