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Haha no problem! I take my time with replies too so I got no room to criticize as you can see ghdgfdh

Anytime! For what it’s worth, I do really think you got a good style developing. Putting in as much effort as you say, it’ll definitely develop fast, at least according to my experience! I don’t know if you want advice, so feel free to skip if you don’t, but I also hate linework so most of my work ends up just being colored sketches. I’ve found this lifehack where like, you do a really quick no-detail sketch for construction lines, make it blue (or yknow, whatever color you want,) and then do the detailed sketch on top. Then you can just get rid of the construction line layer! Also man, I’ve never used the programs you mentioned, but if you ever do get enough for CSP I highly recommend it, it leveled up my art quality like 20 levels loL. If you ever do, there are so many must-have community brushes I can recommend! Otherwise I know GIMP is pretty good for a free program, too (though granted idk how it stacks up against the ones you already use, so take my rec with a grain of salt lol)

LOL oh mood, I’m ADHD as well. I guess character work just counts as this weird hyperfixation for me. If it helps any, though, I’ve found it effective to ride motivational “highs.” Like, yknow how you get slumps, where you can’t do anything, and then you get super stimulated, where and idea just holds your attention and nothing else will do? If you get that second one, or you get like, the impulse to make something, drop and do it, and sometimes it works out lol. (tbf tho I still have difficulty doing long-form writing, like prose n all. It’s fun in theory but SO LONG)

PERRIN MY BELOVED. I’m such a sucker for found family tropes and you don’t really see older characters a lot on this site. Which is a CRIME because older characters are cool. But dang a whole RPG, that rocks! Omori and Undertale are great sources to draw from. All art is derived from works that came before it, steal tropes, do crime.

Tbf their profiles look really clean so far! Do you make the html yourself? Cuz if so that’s like super rad, I don’t get that sort of thing at all, it shorts my brain out lmao. But yeah I totally get that like, they just play out tv shows in your head and then it never gets written down hahA. I think it’s totally valid if your characters exist just for your own amusement, too. Showing off is still really fun, of course. In any case I’ll def look forward to future developments!

Tequila is great! We stan character arcs in this house. If you want to send your wip feel free! Also gosh such an artist mood. On one hand you’re like I can make all my character designs myself :) and on the other hand you’re like I have to make all my character designs myself >:(

Never apologize for sending walls of text, I personally love getting essays in my inbox /gen. I think it’s awesome you have such a passion for your characters and work! Feed it and it’ll take you places bro. I’ll be rooting for you! Also, as per your profile, I just wanted to mention I’m an adult (since I don’t make a habit of listing my age anywhere. “internet dangerous” was drilled into me as a kid lol) so if that makes you uncomfortable I don’t mind at all, do what you need to to make your online experience comfortable and safe. Have a good evening/day/whatever it is for you, too! :)