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Hi! Being poly, to put it simply, is like any other relationship. It's just got a few extra steps of communication.

For example, Ender, Zee, and I are all dating each other and give everyone equal attention as we're all dorks just loving one another. This might not be the case for everyone, and being in a poly relationship doesn't particularly mean one person is the centre of it all, or everyone is dating each other. There can be times where one person is dating two people who are only dating them, etc etc, It's sorta like pairings within the relationship that you all respect.

We share it around and make sure everyone's got love n support when they need it, and since we're all super close me and my partners talk every day and we ramble or vent to each other when we feel down. It's a good support system, and I'm very grateful for how patient and loving they are towards me and each other.

Breakups, again, are like any other break up. If someone makes you uncomfortable, you can either work on the issues or end the relationship, whatever you feel is best. Even just taking a break from that particular person is also valid. Sometimes you can be dating multiple and break up with one person in particular, and that's okay. If you're uncomfy with the others dating your ex, or in you're unhappy with the relationship as a whole, there is no pressure in leaving for taking time to yourself. It's all about communication, knowing everyone's boundaries and being respectful, treating it like any other relationship.

Like, you wouldn't cheat on your partner? so why is that any different for a poly relationship, I wouldn't cheat on my partners as I am only dating them. Some poly relationships allow dating whoever, others (like ours) are a bit more closed off, and you need to make sure, regardless of what the rules of your group are, to communicate and let em know if you've found someone outside of the relationship and you either want to date them as well or introduce them. 

It's just about loving those you love, and that's why I can't help but be polyamorous, I am comfy being in relationships of 1 or more partners and that's ok with me, as long as I know I'm loved at the end of the day and everybody is happy and feeling safe :] 

I hope this helped, and sorry for the ramble but there's a lot of stuff to cover when it comes to debunking some common misunderstandings about poly people ^^

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Ofc !!