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Hey, frickennugets666 uwu 💖 miss you! ^^ just wondering if your still interested! I believe your on a hiatus ^^ but I have someone else who is interested in this design at the moment, and i just wanted to inform you, that I'll be letting the other person have the bab I'd I haven't heard from you in the next day or two ^^ <3 I send you all my woof uwu stay happy and positive dear! 

I've gotten really busy with school and though I'm still interested i don't think I have time to do the art for the offer! I appreciate you pinging me to let me know and you too!<3

Okii! That’s cool UwU <3 no worries! :DD also I was gonna ask if you had a pingli for and if I could be on it UwU <3

I honestly don't use them that much haha and they deserve more attention than I give them so if you want them I can transfer them to you?

The only thing I ask is that if you lose interest in them to let me know

:000 really? :00 that would be AWSOME! I can give you surf if you’d like for em UwU <3 tysvmmmm :00

Woah that would be swag!:D I'll send a transfer request