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i love how sharp it sounds citrange being a bitter hybrid fruit is like HAHA BITTERDYKE GET IT ik some people dont like the word dyke and i would never call someone else it if its something they didnt use themselves but its just like personal to me :sob:

THIS IS E V E R Y T H I N G YES, god i LOVE it! I love the combination of both words it works so well! and oh yeah I feel you for SURE, like I totally get if someone shies away from certain words like valid for them rock on, but personally? I've really started loving it and finding a freedom in it which is so fricken?!?!? FEELS GREAT, and not to like input my own feelins into it too much but like it also feels very gender and helps vibe with that if that makes sense? LONG STORY SHORT it's mad freeing and while I totally get ya and wouldn't call others it unless they wanted to be called such, personally its freeing and right and I'm super happy that you can experience that as well and mega glad you're able to use it and find the joy in it too!

YOOO i died bc of orientation today but GOD I AGREE WITH YOU SMMM so much yes this exactly dyke and butch make me very :,) <3 <3 <3 so gender VERRYY gender it makes me feel a lot more confident DGKJDFLKGJ you are epic thank u SM