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I was wondering if there is a way to put a background behind these code, sort of similar to your other code here? I've tried a few frankenings of my own but I am a novice at best with HTML

I also was wondering how to recenter the bottom icon buttons. I am using the code for my mascot's page and have done some edits to remove the relationships tab because they don't really need it and I had nothing else I wanted to add there page link for example to what I mean

for the bottom icons, change the ul nav tabs ml-sm-1 to ml-sm-5. ml stands for margin left.

to get a background, add a background:#fff; (fill in whatever color) to the container section (first div) style. add py-4 to the class (py is padding top/bottom) & change px-sm-3 to px-sm-4. add rounded to the class as well. if you don't want the blue star to be behind the background you can delete the z-index style

Awesome thank you so much!