Information on Variants/Deviants

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago by James Khan Milkbean

Information on Variants, also known as Deviants.
A paper by James Khan.

Formerly, the gene that caused one to become a Variant, was recessive. Which resulted in singular instances in which a 'normal,' family would have a Variant child.
The first discovered generation of these Variants was tested on, some with consent and some without.
There are theories that this experimentation lead to the Variant trait becoming more dominant.
While others simply believe the gene is just evolving.

The Variant gene, allows an individual to develop a kind of, 'inhuman,' ability, one that usually offers them some kind of advantage while also having a drawback.
An example would be Arabella Gray, a notable Variant because of her general forwardness.
Her ability allows her to encourage plantlife to grow, or she can even revive plantlife. But before she can do this, she needs to absorb 'life force,' from some sort of source.
She can store this 'life force,' indefinitely in theory, but this has never been tested.