Vari-A Model Rankings

Posted 6 years, 18 days ago (Edited 6 years, 1 day ago) by AmarantaYuuki

Model Rankings

Jewel Models: The top ten models (5 male and 5 female) are given Gemstones as their model tag, and are the first pic for interviews, featured products, and have special privileges such as being able to keep one outfit from each line that they shoot for. The top few spots are pretty much indefinitely claimed, but some of the lower ones cycle out every couple of years as models leave or stop doing well.

Flora Models: Models entering Vari-A are given a tree or flower-themed name as their model tag that fits their personality and model character. It will be their tag for their career with the company unless they are promoted to a Jewel Model. There are only a handful of full-time Flora Models, with the rest only coming in when invited for specific projects.


Every month, there is a ranking posted based off of several factors: How well the line that the models shot for sells, the ratings of stores, magazines, and critics for the ads and articles that featured the models, and the effort and dedication that the models showed during shooting. The top twelve models are listed, usually the first ten spots going to the Jewel Models in varying orders, and spots 11 and 12 going to the month's best Flora Models. Amethyst is currently the reigning #1, and Diamond #2. The rest of the models fluctuate regularly, though Shauni is infallibly #11 and Willow usually #12.