What do you like in a design! (Survey)

Posted 5 years, 12 hours ago by TheStrayCat

In the next few months I will be finally getting another art tablet after not drawing digitally for like five years, and I need to make money so I want some character designs to sell! 

This is where you come in-- I would greatly appreciate the thoughts and opinions of you guys! If you can fill out the questions below, it would help me a lot know where to start. :) A note that these will currently all be feral designs, maybe anthro later on. No humans. 

What species do you like? Canine, feline, vulpine, rabbits, birds, bats, dragons-- anything you can think of that you really like seeing designs of!

Lineart or one offs? Something I make a lineart of then create a batch of, taking someone else's free use lineart, or doing each adopt individually and having them with unique linearts

Body types? Thin, fluffy, more chunky, beefy-- multiple limbs, multiple eyes, less limbs, less eyes, wings, spikes, horns, antennae; whatever you enjoy seeing, please just let me know what things you like! No limit! 

Accessories? Any clothing, jewelry, extras that are not biological that you like seeing on designs; and if it covers up a lot of the design, do you like a second reference picture, one showing the covering accessory and one without?

Themes? What genre-- steampunk, retro, scene, pastel, edgy, cutesy? Any good moodboard sites you think are useful? Or just ones that you like! Feel free to share! 

Colours? What colours do you like? Are these any good colour pallettes you love seeing? Do you know any good colour pallette sites that are useful? And do you prefer a few colours on a design (3-5) or a bunch of them (5+)? 

Thank you to anyone who let's me know what they like and would enjoy seeing in the future :> 


What species do you like? Feline, os like kittydogs!

Lineart or one offs? I usually buy one offs tbh

Body types? fluffy and chunky. i love big cats... i love absolute units. 

Accessories? I usually dont buy ones with accessories, just because people really dont GIVE them accessories... i like earrings and collars though! bows are cute as well, along with halos, eyepatches, ect

Themes? Scene, angelcore, cleancore, i can go on. I really like most themes so if its just well done ill prolly buy it!

Colours? Anything that isnt too natural imo.... if it looks like it could be an actual irl animal, its just not original enough for me personally :P


What species do you like? I'm a big fan of reptiles or reptile-like creatures (if they're a fantasy species) Lizards especially. But salamanders and newts are very cute too. And cats of course but there are a lot of cat fans lol

Lineart or one offs? I prefer one offs, though having made adopts myself, I understand why people do reused lineart.

Body types? This is not something I think about much, I don't think I have a preference in body type.

Accessories? I personally like more simple designs, so if there are accessories, I prefer just one or two, it's better if they fit with the theme as well.

Themes? I like edgy-ish designs. Not over the top XxXXxICryBlood666HailSatanXxXx edgy but a little bit of edge is good for the soul

Colours? I lean towards neutral, soft colours. I also try to keep the number of colours limited, I don't like it when designs are extremely busy with colours and markings.
I use a site called coolors.co which allows you generate colour palettes, I have used it for adopts many times!