LF Simple Critiques

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by elfenlied

i don't need anything super in-depth, 1-3 sentences should be fine. mainly, whats the first thing you think i could improve on when you see my art?

i've been feeling more confident in my art lately as i feel i've finally settled into a style that feels homey to me, yet i feel like my style is hard to market?

obviously i could improve in ALL areas, but an outside opinion would help. what should i focus on the most right now?

here's some recent art that i'm proud of!


your style has an overall really nice feel to it! i like your line art and colours. however your poses are quite blocky and stiff try pushing your characters to move more, drawing a line of action over your pose can really help. Try adding more movement and really exaggerating the movements in your poses to emphasise an action 



yeah youre right, it does look a little bigger. ty!


that's good advice, ty! i'll try pushing my poses more   


Your welcome!!! If you need any pointers dont be afraid to ping me