Share your art amount!

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 9 months ago) by Skykristal

I don't know how many of you store ALL their art  but I've saved my art to google photos folders , also all on my laptop and can see the amount. But of course there are many ways to store your art. And I would love to know what your total art amount is, or if you can't tell exactly you can also say a rough number of how many you think you have done (approx) .  Let's see who is as obsessed with drawing things as I am 😂

I started storing and sharing my art back in 2014 , till today and have about 3000 polished drawings. (I don't sketch, or at least don't keep these messy artworks as I don't like them) Most of it are character drawings and fanart. I already did art before this time but honestly I have no track on that. A few hundred probably, which are stored in old folders (irl, not online) 


I have art saved from 2007 forwards, and my folders are showing, give or take any alt. versions, 6,975 pieces ^w^ most are from 2015 to now!


2,150 files, which are my work from 2010 to 2020. Though I lost a big chunk of my early art in an old computer crash and I had no backups except what was uploaded online at that time so there would be some more;;


I don't have my files on one computer or source OTL but I generally produce 90 drawings a month (ranging from sketches to fully rendered w backgrounds) which makes me feel pretty good!


my Dropbox has a little more than just art (writing, documents, WIPs etc) but I have stuff going all the way back from 2003 so I cannot be bothered to filter out what is or isn't art.  But apparently there's 22,209 files in it!!  Maybe 1/2 of it is WIPs or gift art?  But that's still a solid 11k...I think it helps I did a webcomic once with like 2k pages so that adds a good bit of heft lmao.  I only have 647 things uploaded to TH so it just goes to show you how much of that stuff is OLD as well


I know for at pieces I post, theres roughly 1285 pieces, just cause I'm... too lady to find proper titles for anything I post, so I just number all my files in order and post em like that lmaO


My folders range from 2016 to current and they claim to have about 6044 files. I'm sure some of those are the drawing files themselves n not just the pngs so its not that high a number imo. Last year in just drawings along I passed 1000 for the year tho.


3,171 Files from 2007. But this is not an accurate representation since I often save multiple drafts. I have no idea how many individual things I've drawn + there's also a lot of traditional stuff that I don't have a digital copy of. 


i don't have any folder but ibis paint says how many pictures you have in it, i currently have 1,109.  i think it goes back to novemeber 2019. although im not sure how much of it is art and how much is just like..memes or edited pictures of my cats and stuff lol. i've definitely done less traditional art in that time although I have no way of knowing the exact number


Oh, certainly hundreds. My digital art folder has over 200 files in it, but I'm on my second computer and I did lots on the old one that didn't make it over. This is also not counting the 10+ physical sketchbooks I've completed. So, lots. Can't give an exact number but I'd guess upwards of 300 over the years.