Art Help?

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by MacaroniMayhem

I feel like my art hasn't really been changing at all for a while, while it used to evolve or change at least every once in a while.  I'd just like some input on it, is there anything that looks weird or something you'd change?  Any sort of critique would be helpful, I'd really like to hear what other people think and maybe change it up a bit.

My art tab -
I'm in some groups where I need to color bases for designs, so please double check if something is fully mine if you're going to mention something on a specific piece.


Ribbon_Dove I can’t actually pause right now since I’m doing an art challenge to draw something every day until the end of the year, but I’ll definitely try practicing some proportions and stuff!

I think brushes I use are one of my favorite things about my art right now, but I’ll try testing some other types out too!