Toyhouse Raffle App

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by holidaygirl1225

Check the app out here!

Hi everyone, I'm here to give a little update on the project. Recently, due to the changes got, the app hasn't been working correctly, and maintaining it has been getting more difficult. The app is in need of major changes and/or a revamp, and until then, the raffle and downloader app might be a bit unstable! I can't give an ETA on the new version of the apps, but I will be working hard on it. Please continue reporting any bugs you encounter, I just can't guarantee that it'll be fixed quickly due to the instability of the app. Thank you for your patience <3


Hello holidaygirl1225! The app is working again! Thank you and thanks for keeping us updated. As for other issues, I will let you know if anything is up again. The app has been really helpful and I am very grateful for this ;w;


holidaygirl1225 It’s working perfectly again, thank you so much!!! Take care!


Hi _anchorblue Xtremity !!!!!! Thank yall so much for the kind words, I'm so glad I could help !! 🥺🥺


Hello holidaygirl1225! I’m not sure if this is the right thread to submit requests, but would you be able to add a “repick/reroll“ option to this app while still maintaining any manual modifications to the participant list and numbers of entries? I’d love for the ability to pick another winner in the case that something happens with the first one without having to manually reassign entries and such! Thank you for your time, I still regularly use this app and it has been a godsend! 


Hi _anchorblue! I can absolutely add a reroll button, I'll start working on it as soon as possible! Thank you for your interest in my work!!! c: <3333


holidaygirl1225 Thank you so much, I’m excited to see it implemented! Take care!!!


holidaygirl1225 Hi again! I think the raffle app isn’t working, it keeps loading indefinitely whenever I put in my character link. Could you please take a look at this? Thank you for your time!!!


Hi there _anchorblue! The server might've been down due to maintenance, it seems to be working now though!! Let me know if it's still acting up, I'll take a look and push a fix asap :3 <33


holidaygirl1225 Tysm for checking! Everything works on my end, I really appreciate your help!


Hi _anchorblue, sorry for the wait! The new reroll feature should now be live :3 You can double click on a winner to reroll them individually, or use the new button to reroll everyone, let me know if you encounter any issues! c: <3333


holidaygirl1225 You have nothing to apologize for, I really appreciate that you implemented the idea!!! I'll let you know when I use it, and if it works as intended! Thank you for all the work you've done with developing and maintaining this app! 


holidaygirl1225 Tested out the reroll feature and it works great! Tysm!


Hi _anchorblue! Thank you so much for the kind words!!!!!! <3333 And I'm really glad the reroll feature works !!! let me know if you have any other feature suggestions in the future, I'd love to implement more stuff!!! c: <333333


holidaygirl1225 I definitely will, the app is already amazing as is though!!! Also do you have any ocs you’d be okay with me drawing? I wanna give back to you somehow for your work on this project!!! (Sorry this is a bit off topic for this thread!)


Hi _anchorblue, sorry for the late reply! That's so sweet, thank you so much !!! 😭😭I'd love to see in your style, thank you so much again !!! <33333333