Animation Pricing Helpp

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by ano_

Hii,, I was wondering what kinda price would work for these lil animation gifs

I was thinking about $5 but since the comm money all goes to charity, I was thinking of doing $10 (also since the donation websites only accept $10+), but I was wondering if that's too much ;w;;

Pls give me your opinions (and if you would truly spend the money for them)! Also would be cool if you could price my other arts (like busts, fullbody, etc.)! Tyy in advancee



Thank you smm for your input,, I'll be sure to take in consideration your words! ^^


Ive seen people price animation based on frames - if you essentially draw several drawings, you should probably price it as several regular drawings (perhaps with a slight bulk discount). If its just blinking eyes or if you can create animations by rigging that could also be somewhat cheaper, personally i wouldnt go bellow $25 and thats only if youre Really insecure about your work, and these are honestly really nice, so dont be shy to push it past $30


I'd charge $15 for every hour of work at least. As your art becomes more well known, you can start charging higher. Your art is worth more than just $10.