◐ OC Zine interest check! ◐

Posted 2 months, 7 days ago (Edited 1 month, 14 days ago) by ReanimatedMagpie

please ping me when this starts!

110 Votes +1


[EDIT: We have started!]

Hello! I am preparing to host a little zine with the theme that puts our very own lovely stories and OCs at the center :)


Theme – Worlds in Progress

This particular zine is dedicated to stories and settings that are yet to be finished [or that are indeed intended to be perpetually added to] and the work that goes into them!

The zine will take entries of some art and accompanying text about some specific focused element of your story or setting!

This will be a free, digitally distributed zine, though formatted in a way that you’d be able to print your own copy if you’d like :)

There is no approval process, all skill levels welcome!

Poke the poll and if you’d like pinged when this goes live or join the toyhouse world, or my discord if you'd like to keep tabs elsewhere, bumps much appreciated!78063432_MnxIfTFVY9qr7gP.png

78063516_GAyQbVbaaQPuyOb.png[ What is a zine? ]

A zine is simply a printed or digital collection of one or multiple creators work, be it art/photography/writing/comics/etc typically following a theme! Yup, as simple as that :)

Zines are usually distributed for cheap or free, and are generally intended to be small self-published projects.


Oh this is actually a great zine idea!!  good thing that I've got three original stories to share :)c



i hoped people would like it! i wanted to get people to share their stuff  :)


I think this would be a lot of fun! I've joined the world and I'm already thinking about what to draw for it if it gets going! It's an awesome idea :>


JamofBerry I'm glad you're excited! I am as well :)


Hello! I'm interested in participating in the zine, I sent a request to join the world :D


I wanna join when it's open! 


By the way, all the info you might want is in the world itself! also feel free to ask questions right here :)


"This particular zine is dedicated to stories and settings that are yet to be finished"
finally, my time to shine


- Is there anything in a portfolio you would be looking for? (art with backgrounds, certain styles, etc.)
- How established do you want a world to be? (aka how developed you would want a world to be before applying)



1. no, everyone is allowed to submit!

2. Enough to make Something about it, so long as you can come up with something to send in it's fair game! Even if you came up with it on the spot :)


ReanimatedMagpie sweet, one more question for now
- Will AI Art be disallowed as that kind of "art" is created from stolen art?


Vallien_Fulki of course! that goes without saying in any real art circles


ReanimatedMagpie sweet!

I never really know if something/someone disallows it or not unless they straight up mention it
the answer may be obvious to a lot of us artists but it can easily go in the other direction if not careful enough


Vallien_Fulki true! i will make sure to add it on top of the forms just in case, but considering toyhouse overtly disallows ai content im not gonna be running into a lot of them in all likelihood


Vallien_Fulki also, on backgrounds, while we would generally prefer your submission has something going on aside from a blank void, if you lack confidence in making one that looks good it's fine to skip it. I would personally recommend asking for help[and would be willing to give pointers], but it's fair if learning a whole new thing is not within the scope of a little zine for you or the piece in question would not make sense to have one.

I encourage all submitters to shoot for something ambitious, but nothing wrong with keeping the ambition realistic for where you're at