◐ OC Zine accepting submissions! 79231808_Q77cSX7k8QsKU3o.pngAfter much preparation, I’m very happy to announce the OC zine Worlds in Progress is accepting submissions!78063432_MnxIfTFVY9qr7gP.pngThis  particular zine is dedicated to stories and settings that are yet to be  finished [or that are indeed intended to be perpetually added to] and  the work that goes into them!

The zine will take entries of some art and accompanying text about some specific focused element of your story or setting!

This  will be a free, digitally distributed zine, though formatted in a way  that you’d be able to print your own copy if you’d like :)

 toyhouse world | discord | overview | rules | submit

Anyone can submit an entry right away! There isn’t an approval step and most things will make it in!

Don’t be shy :) All skill levels welcome, you have until 15th of May to submit your work78063432_MnxIfTFVY9qr7gP.pngWhat is a zine?

A  zine is simply a printed or digital collection of one or multiple  creators work, be it art/photography/writing/comics/etc typically  following a theme! Yup, as simple as that :)

Zines are usually distributed for cheap or free, and are generally intended to be small self-published projects.

bumps much appreciated!


Ahhhh, I need to get something organized and prettied up for submission! :D


I think I might join! + bump


Bump!! :D 


oooooouuuuggghhhh this sounds so cool!! bump!


LETS GO, excited to see people's works :3




bump :)

