how did you find your sona?

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by frenzied_freak

so, i've been wanting to make a fursona lately, and i've been struggling to figure out how to do it. i have a lot of characters that i adore, but none of them have that specific "yep, this is me" feeling that a lot of people seem to get from their sona(s). if you have a fursona, how did you choose their species? colors? patterns? is your sona a character you bought/were given that you fell in love with, or did you make them yourself? did you know what you wanted your sona to be from the get-go, or was it just a matter of winging it until something clicked?

if anyone has any advice or answers to the above questions, i'd be appreciative! i know there's also probably other people with the same struggle, so hopefully this thread can help others out, too <3

CG920fire (CG) CG920fire

I made my sona during my hardcore Saw fan phase. This is why she's a pig and has a red-black color scheme as Jigsaw and his disciples wear pig masks and red-black robes.

She's not a Saw OC per say, just loosely inspired by the Saw series and that inspo lessened as I reworked her design over the years, including giving her white hair when I became a sucker for them.

For suggestions, take this with a grain of salt since I'm not a furry despite my sona being an anthro lol, but maybe make the sona's species your favorite animal and the color scheme whatever your favorite colors are. There's probably a specific reason why there's so many blue dog songs out there on the internet; people like dogs and the color blue, so naturally when they want to make a fursona, they may be more inclined to make a blue dog sona.

Choko'a StakeSandwich

My fursona, was nothing more than two animals that I thought were cool. But how did I come to like create them, as like a person or is a representation of me. I guess it's just like who am I in this moment you know? Because your sona can represent who you want to be in the future or who you are in this moment, who am I today? like how do I portray myself today? how do I think feel and think about myself today? that's how I got my sona and my fursona has never changed from how I felt when I made them. Idk

ryō sarurun

honestly I don't know. I have other sonas but I find myself projecting a lot of myself and such onto ryo.

Ryo was a random design I made in 30 minutes as a bit of a throwaway character, I never intended for the character to go far or to draw them as much as I have but for some reason I've stuck with them, probably because their background story is so empty that it's easy to put them into any situation without it being 'out of character', which I can' do quite as well with my other sonas who have distinctive background stories

Rynn (Fursona) kaitorubel

I went through so many sonas over the years but none of them fully felt like me but i still enjoyed the time they were my sona. I'm not even sure what gave me the idea for Rynn. I know i wanted to be a bunny since i love bunnies and they are good listeners, but at the back of my mind i really liked the idea of being a dragon like my first sona but i didn't want to just be a dragon. but one day as i was sketching out ideas for a design i just ended up with a combo that just felt right and also used a color palette that i normally wouldn't choose and everything just sort of fell into place. including the bow which wasn't part of the plan but i just pink some where to represent my favorite Kamen Rider, Even if it's the wrong shade of pink. But after the design was finished i felt more connected to this sona then any other sona. 

I guess the TLDR of it all though is just figure out what makes you, you. find an animal/ animals that fits your personality and theme it around stuff you like, and if you just aren't fitting the sona you can always take what you learn and try again. 

also just give it time. it took me ages to come up with Rynn 

Mars meepfinch

Not a furry so this advice might not apply to fursonas very well but I think it's a matter of trial and error, I went through so many designs before sticking with Mars. He might become obsolete or change drastically in a few years as I grow as a person, who knows? I think that Mars is a bit of a mix between winging it and knowing what I wanted, since I made another character that was supposed to represent me but didn't feel quite right yet. The process can also be really random at times, the human form of Mars literally came into existence because I wanted to make him in the Sims.

I agree with kaitorubel, figure out what makes you. Do you have any colors you associate with yourself or like to wear? Do you have a favorite species that you can incorporate into the design? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you have a favorite object in your room? What are your interests? Just brainstorm a lot and ask yourself questions.

I would also suggest making many thumbnail sketches (quick, small sketches) to explore different ideas with your fursona. Maybe make some silhouettes or push certain traits that you like. I guess this still applies to the brainstorming process, but I do it with every character and Mars was no exception. 

I'd also like to mention that a sona doesn't need to represent every part of you, I've seen people with different sonas for different aspects of their personality.

Good luck on making your fursona!

Zafran NinjaNightCrawler

Although by default I have a persona, that didn't really stop me from creating a fursona (or two) of my own just for fun. I actually got inspired by a comment on someone's thread where said person needed help with making a fursona, so I decided to seriously think it through with a series of notes (which you can find on IC's profile), and Zafran was the result of that. He's supposed to be a feline hybrid of 4 different cat types: a house cat (tabby), a Canada Lynx, a Bengal tiger and a sand cat. I chose a cat for the main animal because I relate with them a lot, especially from an autistic perspective, a lynx because I'm Canadian, a Bengal tiger because tigers are more independent (like me, sort of), and a sand cat because I'm Muslim (and what do most people think of when they think "most parts of the middle east", which is predominantly Muslim? Desert. Sand cats are desert-dwellers, of course!). Although Zafran's gender doesn't match mine (I'm female), most other parts have definitely been taken from myself, not just my physical appearance but also my hobbies and interests.