The Rules

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by FreeFallingUp13


1.) Graphic violence is permitted.
-This is permitted in fights. 

2.) Do not force other players to do something without their permission.
-This includes crossing major personal boundaries as either a character or a player.
-If you are uncomfortable with the scene at hand, PLEASE SPEAK UP out of character so we can fix it.  

3.) You can play an OP character, however you must be able to die.
-Keep in mind that if you play an OP character, you and you alone are responsible for dealing with the reactions to using a OP character. 

4.) Killing is only permitted WITH PERMISSION from the VICTIM's player, and is ONLY ALLOWED if it is necessary to the plot. 

5.) Please take sexual stuff to private messages. 

5.) Fantasy is NOT your reality; don't let the RP negatively impact you as a person IRL.  
-If it is noticed that you are experiencing negative impacts in this way, you will be given a 2 day break to reevaluate your connection to the roleplay. This is for your safety, not because you are in trouble. 

[If you have a concern about the rules, then please message an admin so we can discuss them.]