Demons exist. In Rapture, that is known.

In 1938, the devil himself revealed himself and all of his demons to the world in an attempt to divert attention from World War II. The diversion failed, but Supernaturals all over the world followed suite and exclaimed their existence. After tense negotiations, it was agreed that demons would protect humans from Supernatural harm, and in return, the humans would leave them be.

80 years later, Rapture is the unofficial Supernatural capitol of the world. This city holds the  portal to hell where Satan first emerged, and now is the densest mix between Supernaturals and humans on the planet. Though their system spreads across the globe, the demon headquarters reside here. However... they need help.

A recent incident has left the Den with a fraction of the manpower it originally had. No human must know that their protection has been compromised. In this, Satan has sent out a call; All Supernaturals willing to help may now work with the demons to protect all citizens.

Will you help?