Avengers Endgame Thread

Posted 5 years, 12 days ago by Sunvaren

Heyo! So I just saw the big Avengers Endgame today and...

I love it with my heart and soul

So does anyone else wanna scream about it? I know it just came out as of making this thread but still! I wanna scream! So bad!

Any opinion about the movie, whether good or bad, is welcome here! Just don’t start any fights please - take those to PMs if you have to, - nothing NSFW (I’m a minor), and please hide major spoilers! Add a warning too if ya mention spoilers so that no one accidentally gets spoiled :’D


wow i can't believe they were playing a game of extreme footy at the end

that's not a spoiler, right? 😂

nah lmao just got out of the cinema it's good 👌


When spiderman and tony were reunited and hugging, my intire theater clapped lmao I also cried SO MUCH.


I died watching it.


Tony's death made me cry so hard, tbh. Marvel father figures (like Yondu in GOTG) dying just kills me. Poor Peter(s), he(they) deserve better.


Aa, it's about time I throw my hat into the ring! SPOILERS IN THE TOGGLE BAR!

First off, this is the order of scenes that either nearly made me cry or actually made me cry:

  • When Tony was dying in space at the beginning, I nearly started crying, even though I knew he wasn't going to die... at least at that moment...
  • Tony saying "I lost the kid" gave me immediate flashbacks to Infinity War and I wanted to cry again because that scene made me cry like a baby and still does actually. Just, Tony missing Peter in general made me sad because gosh their father-son bond is so sweet
  • Scott finding his now-teenage daughter just tugged at my heartstrings, tears came to my eyes but I didn't want to let them fall yet because I knew I would cry harder later ;v;
  • Clint and Natasha fighting on Vormir over who makes the sacrifice for the Soul Stone made me feel tense (at least, until I remembered that Clint is getting a TV show with his daughter on Disney+), and when Natasha was the one to fall and die, I very nearly cried. It makes perfect sense for her character too, especially in this movie; she wanted to die on Vormir so that Clint could go back to his family, and that's so sweet and tragic; Clint's reaction wrapped it up in a neat tearjerker bow. To be honest, I am a little disappointed that she didn't get an official funeral, considering the Avengers are her family and no one else, but you know, it's still a sad moment right?
  • I actually did cry a little when Tony hugged Peter, because it's what I've been waiting for since Spider-Man Homecoming, and thus I got super emotional! In fact, I almost squealed, but I didn't want to annoy anyone in the theater with me so I held it back the best I could XD
  • OKAY TONY'S DEATH MADE ME CRY SO HARD THAT I COULDN'T EVEN BREATHE!! I knew it was coming, but I kept denying it until it was too late... and it's a perfect scene all the same. If they were going to kill off Iron Man, this was the best way to do it. I'm glad they went with this instead of the scene they were going to go with, where he goes into the same dimension Thanos did after the snap and encounter an older version of his daughter. Peter crying over him, Pepper telling him that he can finally rest after everything he's been through... it's perfect. Just perfect! His funeral is also so touching, he truly died a hero, and I salute him. I love you 3000 <3 I'm gonna cry in Far From Home too, aren't I? There's gonna be plenty of Tony Stark mourning in that movie, I can already tell... and I wouldn't have it any other way, because that's what I WANT