League Of Legends!

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by Sheep
Who here plays League of Legends?!
Please feel free to leave your region, your IGN, and what game modes you play!

As for me... IGN:
NA: Sheepy (main)

See you on the Rift!


I just started again recently after like 10 years!! I play on EU West, mostly just normal Summoner's Rift or Twisted Treeline. It's been a bunch of fun getting into it though! T u T aside from the toxicity adfkgjhdfh


IGN - 

NA:  snopix

I play on NA servers as an ADC/Support main! I can play other roles as well, they're just not my preferences <3

I play ranked SR, SR, and Aram.

I don't really enjoy TFT so I don't play it -- rip. 

I've been thinking of making an EUW account, though.


Region: NA.
IGN: XxMadamNicoxX

Mainly Summoners Rift. 

I'm a Zoe m7 support/mid main. I mainly play other supports or mid too. I also play Nunu JG.




Region: NA

IGN: raaakija

Mostly ARAM, sometimes tft when I'm drawing (what)

Lux main (support/mid) but I've lost my touch these days *sweats*

Recently I've been enjoying Kai'sa a lot XDD


Good to know there's a League thread because i was obsessed with it a few months ago!

Region: EUW

IGN: Saturnismo

I mainly play ARAM or with bots because im scared of pick a champ and im also scared of toxic people


Region: NA (I'm from OCE, but everyone I know is on NA, so my ping is 250 orz)

IGN: snort bees

Support Main, literally any support tbh. Senna and Morgana are my best right now.

Draft, ARAM, Urf, Blitz, TFT. Anything but Blind lol.



region: NA

ign: CoyoteElysium

i mostly play normal SR draft with my friends. i've experimented with ranked solo but i'm kind of bad so i don't really play that consistently.

i am a jungle main, though i've attempted mid and top lane before, without much luck.

my favorite champs (and these are all ones i actually do play sort of regularly) are: warwick, graves, sejuani, evelynn, lillia, and sylas (lorewise, sylas is probably my favorite character in the whole setting lol)


ign: squishy thickums
tag: Elfen#NYA i think

bro this thread is so old that we still had clubs </3

normal draft enjoyer, i started a ranked climb last yr but then i went thru a shitty breakup and didnt play league for half a yr lolzz

my top champs are samira, vex, and evelynn but i play a lot of anything tbh. i play a lot with friends so im comfortable with pretty much most adcs, supports, and a good handful of junglers.
rn im trying to learn new and harder champs bc im getting bored of my pool. viego, pyke, and qiyana have been great fun picks, but im most ass at viego and best at qiyana LOL

former ahri main, i mained illaoi and poppy before mastery 7 came out

ive been playing since season3 BABYYYYYYYY cant believe it lol

also rattlesnake-acrobat sylas lore is sooo good ur so based for that


