Tell me anything!

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 4 years, 6 months ago) by spiraldemo

I love you! Yes, YOU!!!!

6 Votes I love you
7 Votes I love you but it’s the second one

I don’t feel too good so I wanna hear about things from y’all! It can be anything! Vent to me, talk about your favorite things, show me art you did or characters you love! 


Sorry about how it’s from my oc, I don’t know how I messed that up but I did qwq


That’s so cute !! I didn’t know that tho ! Have a rly nice day!! 💕


enchanted I’ve never thought about it that was but I guess you’re right! good luck with your midterm though, I know you’re going to do absolutely amazing!! 


I only have like 4 ocs left to work on and im hoping to get them all done by the end of the year. But here I am procrastinating and not able to think of things rip
Speaking of oc's I'm in love with Ace and Krizat atm. I see you also have Homestuck babs and it makes me happy seeing others x3


Stormchi KRIZYAT OWNS MY HEART OMG 🥺🥺 !! Homestuck uprising in 2019-2020 fr though.. your ocs r super cute I’m cry...


Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3
If you'd ever like your bab to be friends or something with her it'd be cool with me!

I really need to read the epilouge and then get Hiveswap. I'm excited to play it x3


Stormchi the epilogues suck don’t do it omg

Vvohon needs friends omgg !!!! Yesyesyesyesyes!! 


I gotta know how it eeennnndddddssss
My curiosity is gonna get to me

And she's been added! :D


Sorry you ain't feeling so great -- I've got a cool fact that might cheer you up! When you see a crow hopping down the road and it's using both feet (as opposed to limping on one foot), it's fooling around and having fun. Crows typically walk when they're on the ground, and walking or flying is more efficient than bouncing, but hopping around is much more fun, it'd seem.