Chat board

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 5 months ago) by bittersweetness

are you bored and want to talk to people but you can't find friends because relatable,please be my friend i'm so lonely. 

well,this is the place for you! holy shit why is this so cringy.

you can talk about ocs,stories,anime,what you had for dinner last night,what your pet is doing anything! but before you get into all that here's some ground rules.

-try to keep the thread PG-13 at best. nothing overtly sexual(things like cleavage,etc is fine if it's put under a spoiler.)

-if you Do post something NSFW or sensitive please black it out like so.

-respect people's boundaries,what you post could be triggering to some people and you need consider that before you post here.

-if you post something drama related put it under a spoiler and it can't be something horrible.(i.e a famous artist just got exposed for being a p*do. you can't post anything like that here.)

-characters with NSFW can be posted here IF all the NSFW art is tagged correctly and the character has a content warning for sexual content.

-talking about transphobia,etc is allowed  but i'm going to strict on it.(i.e your parents or relatives is a homophobic and you wanna talk about the. that's allowed,but anything else isn't.)

-be nice,this is a board for people to chat and have fun. :)

-dropping names if allowed but,i'm going to be strict on it.(i.e you wanna say something negative about your parent's that's fine,you wanna talk about times you were scammed by an artist or person,that's fine if you don't name them directly.

failure to follow these rules will lead to a warning,3 warning and you'll be but on the blacklist.

have fun!<3


none yet! love to keep it that way. :)

 Chonky yanderechips

Since we're on the topic of tomodachi life again has anyone ever put their ocs in the game 👀👀 or at least made some out of them 👀


xu_xu you should check up on your island 👁👁 probably make some songs while you're at it?


catalytic oh my god. thank you for reminding me but i cant believe i forgot about all the weird songs vinny vinesauce made in tomodachi life lmfao. i have so much nostalgia for the clusterfuck that is this game T___T

Idol yanderechips

catalytic i never realized how hard the songs go though, the musical was my favorite because it had so much potential

And yeah i do love making cuss words and getting away with it like "as" it's the best

And I made a whole character based off the songs in the game she has all the songs and they're all good except rap

In the rap song she gets into controversy about her whole situation and yeah


Animal crossing characters be like: "kwkwjajia>^Ω~´`Г`]´sikaksnsjjsjsj·`´`Г´§{`·₩<θkskwk??9eoolakq71ndn??"


ceginus havent played league in a while but ive been playing on and off for several years. Every once in a while im tempted to pick it back up again and lately ive been feelin that way.... 

I could play w you if you want! i play basically anything that isnt jungle but i prefer support because theres no pressure on me to get kills LOL my mains are lux and sona. i love to play aggresive support lux tho its really fun when it pays off



Thank you for the life advice even though I'm not a fan of salt and vinegar chips 😔✌


ceginus i actually play adc very little, but whenever i do i play miss fortune, jinx or ashe. i much prefer playing mid or support but adc is fun too :D i just dont have much experience in it. 

q poking with sona is sooo fun to do i love doing it. ive never played as tanky supports tho :o i wonder wat those are like. all the supports i play are the squishy healy ones