Lost media help (important)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 4 months ago) by GEIGERGEARZ

(reposted from my profile)

I need your help.

I've been looking for a show from deep within my memory for years.

Here is what I remember of it:

The basic plot was there was a group of teens (I want to say 5 or so) who were 'good guys' with pure hearts. They were chased by hyenas into a cave, but when you enter the cave you become your spirit animal. the 'hyenas' are actually the henchmen of an evil villain. 

I know for a fact the villain's animal was a carnivorous mammal, my main suspects being either a lion or wolf.

One character I remember FOR A FACT was the 'girly' character of the group. she was a pink flamingo with black pigtails. 

I think the 'leader' of the group may have been a wolf, but I don't remember.

here is basically the parts I remember:

I remember watching the scene where they get chased into the cave. it went roughly like this. 

Character 1: look! hyenas!

Character 2: run!! 

*hey proceed to run and are chased

they run into the cave, and a boulder falls behind them

another character: we're trapped!

a white mist slowly fills the room, and the characters cough a bit

Character 3: w-what's happening??

everything fades to white, and suddenly they are animals

random character: what happened to us!?!?!?!??!

another character: we're animals!!!!

that's all I remember from the first episode. I also kind of remember an episode where the pink flamingo gets captured and is put in a prison by the villain.

I also remember there being a wise old character stereotype. he knew of the cave, but didn't warn them or something. I don't know.

I don't remember what year this was, but it was when my parents had separate houses, so sometime after 2010. 

Years later, obscure media came up as a topic at a summer camp. I asked around, and no-one knew what it was. except one person. they told me that they, too, barely remembered it, but they think it started with a 'C' or a vowel. I don't know anything else.

please, please, please, please, PLEASE if you have ANY information about this, let me know. I've been looking for years ;w;

also, if you remember this, EVEN BARELY, please let me know!!! I've only met one other person who kind of knew what I was talking about, and I'm not sure if I can trust them.

There isn't any proof of this, so believe me if you want, but if anyone else remembers this, it'd be nice to know I wasn't dreaming/insane :)

I would give ANYTHING to know whether this was real or not, and if it's hidden somewhere. Thanks for help in advance!

EDIT: for those wondering, it was a 2d show. from what I remember it seemed very heavily tweened, but idk

edit 2: https://doki.fandom.com/wiki/Anabella

I did end up finding this. This doesn't feel like it's it as I don't recognize anyone else from this. just letting you know in case you see this :)

edit 3: news!! I have narrowed down the years I saw it to sometime around 2010-2013. it couldn't have been after 2013, as then I would've remembered it. It may have been before 2010, but I'm unsure

edit 4: https://toyhou.se/9150508.lf-lost-kids-show this is what I remember her looking like :)

this may not be accurate, and what we end up finding (if we find anything at all) may not match this description. I just hope to find what has been out of my grasp for so long :)


@eNTIPKal I want to, but my dad won't allow me on reddit :(


eNTiPiKal that would be awesome! thank you!


eNTiPiKal tysm!! ^w^


Kasedori it was in english. I don't know any languages besides english, and I watched it from the USA. I don't remember much else :(




I would've never thought to check that! when I have more time I'll see if I can go through the list. probably this weeked


Hi, unfortunately I don't know what your show could be, but I find the premise pretty interesting and I was wondering if you could provide a few more details?

Specifically I'm wondering: Do you remember what channel it aired on or if you found it online or something similar and around what time you would see it on (say, after school or something like that), and what was the art style like (besides being tweened, of course)? If you can't describe it, can you think of any other series that look somewhat similar? Just so I know what I'm looking for!

It's no problem if you can't remember or if you happen to find it quicker than I can :) Just thought I'd try to help!



unfortunately, I don't remember the channel as this was many many years ago :(

I can however compare it to a show. Total Drama Island. the art style was very very similar from what I remember. Part of me even suspects it may be a lost episode (or just a hidden one of the series) however I'm not sure if it is. 

I do know however that it was on cable tv, meaning it wasn't youtube, netflix, or anything like that. It would've had to be Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, or something similar. 

hope this helps at least a little ;w;



so, I have edited the post, but I found out the general years in which I might have seen it!!

2010-2013 is my best guess. Might have been before 2010, but it was definitely before 2013 :) 


That helps a lot, thank you!

I couldn't find anything that fits your description exactly, but is there a chance it was Combo Niños? It's a fairly recent show (from 2008, but it's possible you were seeing reruns years after the fact?) about kids who have totems and turn into them, and it has a very "pointed" art style similar to TDI. If that's not it I can keep looking though ^^; I couldn't find any information on whether it ever aired in the USA so there's still a good chance it's not what you're thinking of.



no, I don't think that's it. It doesn't spark any memories, and it's not at all what I remember :/

This weekend I'll look at wikipedia for shows through that time period and see what I can find -w-