Outfit References!

Posted 8 years, 1 day ago (Edited 7 years, 9 months ago) by miricca

Hello, one and all! Here's a simple forum idea:

So, I had a want and thought maybe others would too! I know sometimes I have trouble designing outfits for my characters, especially ones with different tastes than mine, and my thought was in such a community as Toyhouse some artists/design enthusists might have some handy dandy outfit references up their sleeve!
Use this forum to share some outfit references you have, look for some ideas and maybe even ask for help on outfiting a character?

If you have a tag on tumblr, or a blog you turn to or any other sort of place you get ideas for outfits please share! I'm sure there are plenty of others with need for inspiration



For those who want it, I have an outfit tag that's mostly fancy dresses and some fancy stuff/ medieval wear here

And also, I've been looking for "typical modern day teen" outfits for my gal Leysa, if anybody has any references that might be handy there, I'd love to see!



i have a couple sites i turn to for outfits/ocs, ill list 'em here!

1: POLYVORE. prob the best resource i have. This is a link to my profile, look in my likes and like dumps or my sets bc fashion is 1/3 of my life and i love it

2: tumblr!!!! it has so many fashion ref blogs and i could scroll through em for hours on end seriously. here's one of many that i think is super cool

3: sponsored blogs. also on tumblr, some ppl's blogs have a 'review' or 'fashion' tag, bc theyr'e sponsored by clothing companies. going with tumblr's whole clothing aesthetic which i adore, they're awesome. Kyd's blog is one of these, and i love looking at all their super cool clothes ;u;


that's about all for now!

also yknow perusing Vogue's website doesn't hurt either lmao


 @ghostance because this is good


I got my handy dandy clothing, clothes (because I lack internal consistency), and armour tags on my Tumblr. My armour and clothing folder on DeviantART is mostly for medieval leather and gear, but can be used in general. If I don't know how to design something but I do know a theme I tend to slap words together. Today I found out that 'desert boots military' gives some darned pretty boots, for example. 

Luna EtherealPrince

 ugh this thread keeps getting better and better.

since i already pitched in for my resources, could i have some outfit suggestions for Luna here? she's a fashion designer, and wears basically everything, but keeps her color palete stuck to white, black, all shades of pinks, and all shades of blues.


Lookbook is a good place to look!


anyone know of any sites dedicated to describing accurate details of the fashion from the 18th and 19th centuries (america)? like including why specific things were chosen too


pinterest is an awesome place to look too!


my outfits tag also has more things, cause I too lack consistancy 

EtherealPrince those are colors I really love and use a lot myself (Imelda has a bunch of outfits with that sort of scheme) but I have a few tumblr links that might work for her? 
X,X,X,X these are mostly really fancy dresses but I think they might be able to work? Maybe?

@ghostance I don't know if this is quite what you're looking for but here are some links to generators that give a text box description: X

Hope these might help you two!



ah omg thank you so much! they totally work haha


also!! I found a couple posts on one of the blogs i adore that I think would fit ur gal Leysa! they aren't all outfits but I still think they say 'modern every-day teen' p well. Purses, Skirts, and a p cute top+earrings


@mirrica thank you for the link!! but thats not quite what im looking for. i was talking about like articles/research pages about those time periods fashions


I get most of my outfit inspiration by looking at real-world fashion shows and cobbling together cool ideas. I highly suggest taking a look at Vogue's fashion pictures! It's really useful.

If you want to see a version suited to my tastes, here's my folder of saved outfits. It includes things from tumblr as well as runway stuff. You'll find a lot of suits.





looks like very few images, but a lot of descriptions and keywords: http://www.fashion-era.com/index.htm

Believe it or not, "historical clothing rentals" is a great keyword search.

I used to have this amazing website that had categorations by years and parts but I can't find it? Maybe it's that third one, the categories are similar but much better layout. Completely different, in fact.