I’m sorry

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by LeWaffleLord

I noticed people sending in messages to a TH drama blog on tumblr and I’d like to say I’m sorry.

I’m in a really bad mental state right now due to personal reasons (some bad stuff has been going on in real life) and due to past experiences I took everything as a personal attack. Growing up people have always been extremely critical of me, and as a result of these past traumas I always associate negative feedback with personal attacks. When people responded the way they did, I thought it was a personal attack on me and my friends and saying they hated me. Because of how upset I was at the time, I got mad and blocked people since I just needed a break.

I get nervous when people dislike my ideas, even if they have valid reasons to, and have trouble responding to negative feedback.

Me and many friends of mine were upset by the addition of the rule, and I thought I had come up with a fair compromise for everyone involved. And when people started telling me everything wrong with it, I got very anxious and thought people were trying to attack me for the reasons stated above. I should have taken a break and come back later with fresh eyes, but instead I didn’t.

I’d like to say I’m sorry to everyone involved and that I’d just like to move on.

But again, I would appreciate if people took the time to listen to both sides of the story and try to understand why some people might want to upload fan OCs. Maybe the staff should consider my idea. Even if they don’t implement it, at least reading the post could help a lot.


also, I didn't know that blocking users would delete their posts, I thought that they were only hidden from myself but could be viewed by others.

I mostly didn't want those users interacting with me, I didn't intend for their posts to be completely deleted


doctorwho the thing is people have been direct messaging me on tumblr really rude comments and it’s really making me uncomfortable. I just want to be left alone, it’s really stressing me out since lots of stuff has been going on with me. I get that I did something wrong, but I don’t want people rubbing it in my face like this.

I have severe PTSD due to mistreatment by authority figures, and being yelled at is a major trigger.
I just want people to respect my wishes and give me some space.


just a fair warning, as someone who has seen this situation play out time and time again with the TH blog, your best bet is to ignore the messages and put your account on quiet mode for a couple weeks and refrain from posting in the forums for a short while. After a couple weeks the topic changes and they'll leave you alone. What matters is that you dont acknowledge the blog and give them more content to use against you. 


Garghoul you talking about the thdrama blog? Just want to make sure.

I feel a bit better knowing that some people understand that what’s going on is wrong, sometimes I get worried that it’s just me.

doctorwho I would have reported it but it was an anonymous message :/


also, I didn't know that blocking users would delete their posts, I thought that they were only hidden from myself but could be viewed by others.

I mostly didn't want those users interacting with me, I didn't intend for their posts to be completely deleted


I hate how toxic the forums are. I wish it was possible to give suggestions and stuff without risking being cancelled for honest mistakes

(I have quiet mode turned on now, I'm not sure if it's possible to reply to forums when the OP has quiet mode on. I apologize if so. it's for my own protection)


what happened? btw just ignore the blog its full of grown pissy adults mad for some odd reason. maybe  u did something bad, i dont know, i dont check that grown baby cesspit, but in reality all they want is attention, so dont feed into it. still, idk what you did, so idk


Gooberz I made a suggestion regarding the "no AU or kinsonas" rule for there to be a separate type of character called "Derivatives" which can't be traded or sold and people have the option to not view them, which fixes all the issues people have with derivative characters. But a bunch of people were calling my idea stupid and being rude about it and not listening to me, and I got mad and blocked them since they were making me uncomfortable and I wanted some quiet. But I didn't know blocking removed their comments, I thought the reason they weren't there anymore was because they were hidden from me since I blocked the user. 

Because of how people were treating me I got really upset and began lashing out, but if outsiders read what people were saying they likely would understand how what they said was upsetting to me.

I have issues with criticism because of PTSD and other such and lots of what they were saying triggered bad memories. I shouldn't have acted the way I did, but the way people were responding to it was out of hand.

And now people are harassing me on tumblr despite me saying I just want to be left alone and I'm really scared. I want the posts taken down since because of them people are attacking me.


Hey just a heads up, as someone who is very sensitive and also feels attacked and bad easily. It's best not to post any topics or controversial suggestions which people might not agree with. I've been here for quite some time and a lot (absolutely not everyone) of the users respond quite harsh or rude when it's a topic they don't agree with. And then it easily floods over to the Tumblr drama blog. Which is just a pain for people who feel attacked easily and take things very personally. I've followed the situation you're in a little and I think I understand it well enough. I know it is very hard, almost impossible but try to ignore the harassment as best as you can, and were possible, report it. 



I’m glad I found someone else who feels the same way about criticism (I mean it’s bad that people feel that way but like, I like knowing I’m not alone) since there’s someone else who can understand me.

I didn’t know I’d be met with so much backlash. It didn’t feel like genuine criticism, but more saying “you can’t make that content because it’s unoriginal” which felt like an attack. The fact that NOBODY liked my suggestion is what hurt most, since when nobody likes something I make it makes me not feel well. The thing is this has been happening a lot lately, where people get mad at me for ideas and then try to tell me my ideas were bad which really hurts me a lot and makes it hard to make suggestions.

I wish it was possible for me to get my ideas out there without people criticizing it and instead adding their own thoughts and ideas on how to improve it. Instead of saying “it’s a bad idea”, try to explain how it could be improved. I wasn’t saying that they should completely remove a rule, I was saying they should alter it so people can still share their content but with certain restrictions, yet people were treating me as if I was saying it should be removed altogether and that they hated that content.

It’s just like, since the staff isn’t responding to help desk tickets, sending them a ticket with the suggestion is near pointless (though I did it anyway), but it seems like that’s the only way to give suggestions without the risk of being attacked for them.

What really hurt,mthough, was on the blog when someone said they WANT me to break the rules so they can report me.

It’s just. People like that shouldn’t be on this site in the first place if they think it’s okay to say mean things about users and make them public, and I’m glad that I blocked whomever did that since I don’t want them interacting with me or my friends.


Someone on there made a really rude comment when I said I might have DID, seemingly implying that I’m likely faking it.

While what they had said before was bad, this is just taking things too far.

I want people to respect my privacy and leave. Me. Alone.

They’re being really insensitive, especially with genuine feelings I’ve been having for years.

I want the posts removed since people are using them as an excuse to harass me on tumblr.

The mod refused to remove the posts when I asked.

I just want this over with

It’s my fault

I need help


A big issue is, I’m only 16. I’m not old enough to handle this kind of stuff. People are saying mean things about me as if I’m adult and can just deal with it. But I’m a child. I can’t handle things like this. It’s also triggering bad memories I’ve been trying to suppress which was a very similar situation. I feel like these people are trying to ruin me over one small mistake.

I want something to be done. The posts to be removed. The blog to be shut down. People to respect my privacy. Just SOMETHING. I don’t know what to do. I can’t just ignore things, ir keeps getting worse and worse.

If only they understood the mess that was going on in my head right now, then maybe they’d stop and listen.