Any FFXIV players?

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Raehira

I play on Aether>Adamantoise, Anna Roen! Whm main, ilvl 308 :"D Not a savage raider but I'm going through the warring triad and all ex primals, sooo midcore? wouldn't say hardcore and wouldn't say casual??  Show me your babies!




Lalafell NYA~


yes that one. why is it cutscene only, squeenix


Aaaah just got my friend through Dun Scaith for the first time, and it wasn't a salt infested party. ; v;


Beauket yeah they're always so grumpy LMAO makes it really hard to give them other personalities OTL (granted though I'm trying to imagine a super genki bara xaela and I'm LAUGHING).
I don't think I've heard a more haunting nsfw emote than lalafell spamming whatever obnoxious laugh emote they have, and I think female miqo has a version just as lewd. I know a friend who got temp-banned when someone reported them for "innapropriate use of emotes" when they did that in Idyllshire LMAO then again, they left the chat log messages on so they totally deserved it. 

aska-ray I KNOW RIGHT IT'S SO CUTE.... I'd buy it off mog station in a heartbeat tbh (I am so unbelieably tempted to fantasia into male miqo'te... but my glams... and my name.... urgh. I think I'm too attached to Anna as a character to do that to her. TIME TO LEVEL AN ALT o)--<

Ikayuro I always find it funny when I run content and never really have any salt parties, even when we wipe in places like WC and DS. While levelling up my whm as my main for the very first time, I don't remember a single instance when someone ran their mouth off at me for how I played (and still don't, but I know I'm good now. Looking back, I KNOW I was awful back then.) So I still feel like our player base/community for the most part is pretty chill, or I'm ridiculously lucky.

Just.... don't get me started on clear/farm parties in pf..... I'd like to forget those exist..... 8'D...


@Zziro - No, you're absolutely right. For the most part, this community is really chill. But like... there certainly are those times where I'm smashing my head against my desk for sure.


@zziro so much fear for what wipes are gonna come 8') 

also yeah i tried making a male aura then noped at the first time i tried to move. that run... also also theres supposed to be a um private early access event in 1-3 days? that streamers will be invited to to record and play some stormblood? i heard abt it on very_merri's twitch channel so hype is there :3c


@Am1cable - I have a male Au Ra and man... it's like they're doing the running man and actually making forward progress somehow.

Also, weh... I'm going on vacation starting the 24th, and when I come back, early access will already be live. So I only have two weeks to finish what I want to, not counting the 48 hour maintenance...


@Am1Cable WHOA, REALLY? Will the streams be public or is it just kinda privately recorded beta testing :O? Subbed to that channel, regardless! 

Ikayuro aw that stinks--- I mean, vacation is good though right? Take a break! :"D


@Zziro - Yeah, definitely. It's a much needed vacation, at least. ; v;


@zziro it'll be privately recording footage that people will play on their youtubes/streams when they get back. i'll be sure to post here when that happens!

Ikayuro some of the animations in the game are kind of hilaribad .. but shaders so pretty you don't mind (at least i don't)


I have so much to do before Stormblood why did I waaaaait


Ikayuro SAME... I wanted to finish my ex clears and bird farm, level like 2 other jobs to 60, try crafting.... yea right OTL on top of which I have like 7 pending coms right now so I can't even touch xiv until I finish those OTL 



Currently taking a break, will be back  for Stormblood Early access  because I was neglecting my art and RPs
I've been Au'ra, Lalafell, and now currently Miqo'te.

Maining Warrior but also have, AST and DRG, located on  Balmung


I got burned out trying to farm all the Primals for the mounts. got all my horses  but im still 3/7 for birds 


Lalafell yeah it's a different thing that these people are talking about, not e3. they're being flown out to a private early access test for ffxiv streamers/yt-ers only