Animals not enough people know about?

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by reilybug


This is a sand cat and they are one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Aren't they adorable?

What animal do you think more people should know about?


Story time:

So when I was in second grade I was extremely obsessed with amimals, I mean, to the point I was almost picked for a role as an animal in a play. (I don't know either.)

Anywho, one particularly cold day we had a substitute teacher. We had no work since the holidays were around the corner, so we decided to do a little "introduce yourself" thing. Everyone was prompted to announce their favorite animal to the class. As usual, the children go "Dog" "Cat" "Horse" while I'd say "Moose, Bison and Sable Antelope."

"What's a Sable Antelope?" The teacher had no clue such creature existed. She was in awe when I showed her the creature on the class laptop. (This lady was in her thirties.)

So, with that I think my answer would be most african herbivores. 

These creatures are beautiful and it's a shame that most people do not know they even exist. 


(Bontebok Antelope)


(Sable Antelope)




(Lewel Hartebeest)


We need to talk about the North American Porcupine. These guys are really fascinating but most people don't talk about them or even know what they look like unfortunately. They also get a bad rep because they nibble on tree bark and will quill animals that get too close to them in self defense (Watch your pets, folks. It's not the porcupine's fault if they get quilled). Because of these reasons, some people see them as pests or "mean" and try to off them when they get a chance. :(


There are a lot of interesting facts about the North American Porcupine. They can climb trees, their quills possess/are coated in antibiotic properties (because they often quill themselves by falling out of trees and such), they are also very buoyant in water, and so much more.


They are just so cool!


Dugong beloveds <33


[not manatees]


Owston's Palm Civet! I love these little weirdos.



guys look at the pyjama sharks they are everything



guinea pigs!

not quite as obscure compared to some of the other stuff in this thread, but i feel like not enough people *know* them, or think of them as anything beyond oversized hamsters.

im from a family that owned guinea pigs for almost 10 years, and theyre marvelous creatures. they can make an array of noises including purring, they can see color, they can have favorite foods and they can popcorn and jump insanely high. ive even seen an account dedicated to a guinea pig using those word buttons! she gave her humans a nickname!!

please check them out if you have the time


Pheasants are slept on!! Most of the pictures I'll show are of males because they're usually the colorful flashy ones. Inspirational- I wish I was a brid<3

Golden Pheasant (SO VIBRANT!! Textures of the different feathers is insane)



Lady Amherst's Pheasant (Might be my favorite... THEY'RE JUST SO STUNNING??)


Blood Pheasant (The red is so striking and theres GREEN TOO?? The way its streaked through the feathers is so pretty.)


Brown Eared-Pheasant (Simple yet effective. The tail + ear coverts are mwah chefs kiss!!)


I highly suggest looking up "pheasant species" and taking a gander at all the different birds. Theres a lot more than just the ring-necked pheasant that most people think of!! (Its way underrated too thats a fun bird!!!!)


Here‘s some marine babies (and some land animals) found and love! (I‘ll probably post more) but I absolutely am obsessed with Marine Biology (and Biology in general), so this was an amazing thread for me. Things in spoilers are just so my thread isn‘t a whole essay😭

If anyone wants to find weird/even creepy sea creatures, go to the Deepsea Oddities channel on YT! They have amazing creatures and give some info on em!

Big fin squid! (also known as the Magnapinna)



We know very little about them, and since the only ones brought up to land were juvenile, it‘s harder to learn more of them :( We can only speculate their food, how they get food, etc. Scientists believe that they are about 4 to 8 m (13 to 26 ft) long!

Ghost sharks! (Warning, this one is kinda creepy, so proceed with caution!)


I have not much info on them because I haven‘t researched them enough, but I find them so pretty and cool. I love them.

Bloody belly comb jellies


They‘re so fucking pretty??? They glow and they basically have little LED‘s! 

Heres a video of them if anyone wants to watch em‘!

Last one, which is a mammal and extinct, the thylacine!

IMG_0148.jpgThey are extinct animals from Australia who went extinct in, iirc, the 1930‘s or 40‘s! They‘re really neat and I wish we still had them around :(

 I‘ll probably make another post some other time!


PIPEFISH!!!! Underappreciated cousin of the seahorse





the tanamends bottle nose dolphin was recently discovered off the coast of South Carolina!



recently discovered you can have mudskippers as pets and now i want one : (


look at these weird little freaks. i love them


Can I interest you fine folks in the painted bat?
