Gravity Falls discussion

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 10 months, 19 days ago) by CIFUR

Welcome to a world of mystery!


I wanna chat with other Gravity Falls fans!!
So! Just. Post stuff about Gravity Falls, I would love to see it.
Doesn’t have to be specific to any character or even just stuff from the show; the comics, fan theories, and other stuff is fine as long as it’s related!
If you share fanart it needs to be properly credited. Like how clicking on the stamps in this post redirects to the original source. Or just list the artists name & the social it’s from.

If there’s another thread like this, sorry. I looked for one but couldn’t find anything :( oh well this is my show now.



One thing I'll never forget about Gravity Falls (despite my awful memory) was the ugly sobbing I produced in my room with my ear to my phone and the other to my chest over the finale because Stan is, and will always be, my favorite and I thought they absolutely clothes lined me. KOGESOKH


Vickypedia Oh cool, y'know, gravity falls was also the first fandom I ever read a fanfic for too. It was a DA fic XD lol Even though updates are slower, I think that there's still new content being released every so often. Even official stuff comes out from time to time.


Id die for the mystery twins


Ohhhh, a Gravity Falls thread! So cool ⭐


The Mystery Shack website is going to start selling some more merch soon, im so excited! They’re gonna have the vinyl I think, I think I’m gonna try to get it. I collect colored vinyl anyways, so it’ll fit right in with my other records.


I know right? I still get emotional during the last bus ride, this show is the best. 


Why do people spell Cipher like Cypher sometimes? Like, did someone start that or does it just happen? I don’t like it /lh


Oh, I remember this little show fondly. It started around same time as Welcome to Nightvale and they kinda have the same vibe.

Which also makes me hope Gravity Falls was a bit darker.

It's still fun though.

Are the episodes available anywhere? I haven't seen it since it came out. It would be fun to rewatch. 


Dinlos if you have Hulu it's on there (with no ads because it's a kids' show). It's also on Disney+ and Prime video! If all else fails your local library might have it