New FE Heroes thread!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Papes

Since the old one's dead. Have fun folks


216th I dunno if I would do that. Berkut's low speed reaaally hurts his ability to tank Mages, so I doubt DC would help him at all. Kind of a shame...

The CYL news from the livestream was awesome! Who is everyone choosing as their free 5* from the CYL banner? Personally I'm going for Lyn. Favorite of the bunch, horseback archer and a super solid kit. I don't need any other reasons. Can't wait for Thursday owo

Roy looks so good as well. He's who I'll shoot for after Lyn. :D

Oh yeah. And Narcian is back. Still as much of a pushover as before. His allies on the other hand...


HeroofEnelios yeaaaaa he sucks, Camus is way better but he's so cute and I feel bad for him in FEH and Echoes so I just went screw it and gave him the skills lmao....... 

He should be decent in the chain arena thing or whatever when I need a 2nd Camus tho!! But my lance army is a bit too good as it is X'D /pats him....... plus he'd forever be paired with at least one other unit who'd give hone cavalry buffs (he can't survive alone! T_T) so it should be passable!!

Yeah I'll prob go for Lyn too, and then try to roll for Ike! Since I'm forever trying to roll for Soren anyway so anything with a good green focus is fine with meeeee


Sainvrier did you not pick Roy as your guaranteed 5*? :o

In other news, Brave Lyn is absurdly powerful. She doesn't just shut down blademages, she even stops Reinhardt in his tracks. At least as long as she sits on a defense tile. No horse buffs for him. Heheheh...

Oh, and Lyn won against Lucina. Whoo~! Also Black Knight confirmed for future. Double yay :D


There was a Gronnraven TA Spring!Camilla in the voting gauntlet earlier, and the friend Brave!Lyn had nooooo chance X'D Still won (Soren is the best!), but yeaaaaa . . . 

Also, the Brave heroes are cute but for some reason I don't like them much . . . and I basically rolled them all with shitty IVs so they suck, and don't like them enough to reroll ;c The Lyn and Roy are -atk I think *single tear* while Lucina is -def +res . . . at least the Ike I got off the guaranteed roll so he's neutral T_T and greens are the only thing I'm willing to roll for sooooooo /waves the banner goodbye and pops hectors instead


Lol I picked Ike too to have another good axe user. I hope that wasn't a mistake :'D

Also supporting Ike in the gauntlet. If Camilla, aka boobs aka Fates waifu, wins again I s2g I give up on gauntlets (no I won't but you know what I mean).

On a separate note, mini Tempest Trials coming soon! Looks like it's gonna be about Rekka no Ken of course. lol


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-------008489d9d1.jpgthis update is so adorable



aaaaaaa but my Soren is shipped with Ephraim, at least until Lyon arrives ;-;

. . . it's ok Ike & Ephraim share the same voice actor LMAO close your eyes and there won't be a diff~


Support system is here~ Look at all the meme pairings now hehe xD

It's gonna be interesting to see how this changes things in arena. Also, the Kiran chibi sprite is great. :D I'm currently having my summonerxhero support with Eirika, but I might try my +Spd Y!Tiki later. It could be good for combat. :o 


I supported Soren ofc lmao........... I love Ephraim but I'm way more horribly biased to Soren . . . tho that may change when I get Lyon I guess +_+


Support system whoo! Time to support Ike x Soren and of course Raven x Lucius /o

Tbh I'm supporting Leo since he's on my main team and arena team. Although I really want to support Ephraim. Maybe someday Ephraim, maybe someday...


I'm kind of amused at just how ridiculous Y!Tiki is with Summoner support. The +Spd/-Res one I have still hits 46/47/39/37/30 with S rank support and fury3. Manaketes are easily the best units to use that feature with. xD

Just a random thought, but I find that BraveLyn works better with her default bow. I've found Mulagir Lyn to be waaay more intimidating to deal with than BraveBow Lyn. You can't bait her nearly as easily when she's wielding Mulagir and Swift Sparrow. o.O (For referense, a netraul IV BraveLyn has 35/47/38/18/28 for stats. With just a hone cavalry, that att/spd becomes 53/44, and reaches 57/48 thanks to swift sparrow. That's... disgustingly powerful O_O )