Chat with Friends(And make some!)

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 5 years, 11 months ago) by Shugahime

So, I have recently come into wanting to be part of this site more, and would love to belong to a circle of friends, or some such thing. I will warn, I am not an artist, but I am a roleplayer.
I have anthros, and some fandom ocs, but anyway...

I'm 25, female, and I love dolls, and video games.
I am a lesbian. Yessss I like girls. >///< And taken by an amazing woman!
I own a 2ds, hoping to upgrade soon! I currently have Pokemon, Monster Hunter, and Animal Crossing!

My favorite shows are Steven Universe and Star vs. The Forces of Evil.
I am also into anime, though not as much as I use to be. Yes, I have a few anime fandom characters... Mostly Sailor Moon though. o3o
I am a bit picky with music, my favorite bands being Buck-tick, FEMM, and Kamelot. I will warn... my tastes in music are very, very weird. xD

I can't wait to meet you all soon!!


Shugahime sounds great! <3 Would you like to start or do you want me to?


Hehehe. x3 Yayyy a fellow pink lover! -hugs- We need a society of pink characters. -w-

I'll start us off, keep an eye out for a PM shortly. <3


Yes I did! xD
Hahaha, I'll pm you in a sec.


I totally know the feeling... and it's hard not to snap up any charries in the freebie bin that is pink.


CYOP??? owo


I never heard of that before. owo Yeaaaahhh... I would have nothing but pink characters... pink and teal. -w- oh and pink and brown too.


Pink and black is freaking fantastic too. <3 I guess they must not be... I've even heard of the ones where you just suggest a theme. owo but not this one.


I see em' mostly on DA and Gaia honestly. owo