6/10 — 🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸

Posted 5 months, 2 days ago (Edited 15 days, 16 hours ago) by quacks

66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084 resources for palestine 66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084

[ update list ]
6/10/24 : i've begun to remaster this resource collection to be more easily understood and organized, and i'm working on adding a surplus of new resources including gofundme pages.

[ disclaimer ]
i am not palestinian. i do not live in gaza. i'm an activist, but that does not mean i know everything. please avoid asking me questions in messages or comments about things i am absolutely not qualified to answer. direct yourself to resources below and seek out palestinian's to ask questions about culture and specifics.
if any resource listed below has misinformation present, please let me know and i will remove it as quick as possible. i've tried to fact-check as much as i can. feel free to comment more resources!

66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084 masterlists 66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084

introduction to palestine   how you can help palestine  versobooks collection

decolonize palestine ]
a website dedicated to explaining palestine's origins and history, debunking myths, and explaining rainbow-washing.
 [ palestinian youth movement ]
grassroots movement for palestinian & arab youth that covers active protests and calls for change.
[ palestine in a dish ]
a cooking site with multiple palestinian recipes.
[ operation olive branch ]
a collection of 200+ gofundme pages to help families.
[ what's up palestine? ]
an instagram account that posts updates and information regarding the genocide.
[ journalist list ]
a list of instagram journalists in gaza. 

[ verified ways to donate ]
a list of verified places and organizations to donate to.
[ eye on palestine ]
extremely active instagram account with news from gaza often.
[ bds movement ]
working to end the international support for the apartheid state and provide a list of brands to boycott.

[ children's relief fund ]
humanitarian aid targeted to sick and injured children.
[ advocating for palestine ]
a collection of information that debunks common arguments.

[ click to help palestine ]
a completely FREE way to donate.

[ e-sims for gaza ]
virtual sim cards to connect families in gaza.

[ hygiene kits ]
hygiene kits for afab individuals in gaza.

[ gofundme list ]
list of individuals and families you can donate to.
artistic resources
[ stand with palestine f2u ]
a free base to show your support.


What does NON-BOYCOTT targets mean?


Jo_in_space - it means these brands are NOT explicitly said to be boycotted, merely, they should be pressured by their supporters. here's a link to the section of the site with more information - link


Ty, Also I know that. a lot of people are saying if you stream specific songs the creator will donate the profit to Palestine causes, should I make a list of all the sounds that support Palestine with theiir profit and all of the creators that are lying about such things to get more streams? If that makes sense


Jo_in_space - that would be helpful! i'll look into the artists claims to verify before adding it here, though.


Thank you for this thread!!
if you want many more resources there are these two masterposts with very extensive lists of donation sites, informational sites about the history and also culture sharing, theres a lot here so if you want to add any of the sites they are here, or adding the posts themselves^^

also here are the accounts of two journalists in Gaza, both make posts detailing the situation and it would be good to share their work and support them, the former working for the Care for Gaza charity as well.

as for some other sites that i dont think were listed on the above pages, here are some palestinian-run cooking sites with recipes and history on these dishes for anyone wanting to look into palestines foods and cultures



Here's the link to the thread regarding Jazwares


thank you all for the posts and links!! i'll be combing through soon and adding things!
also doggirl , i had this site on there before, but i've found conflicting information on if the site is truly helpful or not. i've heard that the rumor that it isn't helpful was started by zionists, but i've also seen palestinians themselves say it wasn't. then, i've seen posts saying it is helpful. it's a heavily disputed resource that i opted to remove until i find truly concrete proof/information on it's validity and helpfulness.


SATALITE_PLACE - regarding non-american based boycott brands, i'll do my research into some when i'm able (as i'm taking a break for the rest of the night). however, from the little research i have done, it's been incredibly difficult to find any sources on certain brands outside of the global scope of popularity. many of these brands extend outside the US (obviously) and have been the major targets for the boycott efforts BECAUSE of their intense backing.


is pcrf trustworthy?


WRANGLER — yes, i will be adding it now


Hi I saw this tweet regarding Starbucks. Can you give this a fact-check?

I am still boycotting Starbucks, but this tweet is giving me iffy vibes.


Lilina — hey, was this the tweet about starbucks not making donations to israel? it was deleted.

if it was, from the little context i have, a former ceo make considerable investments in israel, from what i know, along with affiliate businesses. there's a lot of misinformation going around and i'll look into it more when i can. 

starbucks is not apart of the official BDS boycott list, BUT we should still be boycotting it.