6/10 — 🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸

Posted 4 months, 24 days ago (Edited 7 days, 5 hours ago) by quacks

66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084 resources for palestine 66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084

[ update list ]
6/10/24 : i've begun to remaster this resource collection to be more easily understood and organized, and i'm working on adding a surplus of new resources including gofundme pages.

[ disclaimer ]
i am not palestinian. i do not live in gaza. i'm an activist, but that does not mean i know everything. please avoid asking me questions in messages or comments about things i am absolutely not qualified to answer. direct yourself to resources below and seek out palestinian's to ask questions about culture and specifics.
if any resource listed below has misinformation present, please let me know and i will remove it as quick as possible. i've tried to fact-check as much as i can. feel free to comment more resources!

66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084 masterlists 66e84e4b.png?v=f453a084

introduction to palestine   how you can help palestine  versobooks collection

decolonize palestine ]
a website dedicated to explaining palestine's origins and history, debunking myths, and explaining rainbow-washing.
 [ palestinian youth movement ]
grassroots movement for palestinian & arab youth that covers active protests and calls for change.
[ palestine in a dish ]
a cooking site with multiple palestinian recipes.
[ operation olive branch ]
a collection of 200+ gofundme pages to help families.
[ what's up palestine? ]
an instagram account that posts updates and information regarding the genocide.
[ journalist list ]
a list of instagram journalists in gaza. 

[ verified ways to donate ]
a list of verified places and organizations to donate to.
[ eye on palestine ]
extremely active instagram account with news from gaza often.
[ bds movement ]
working to end the international support for the apartheid state and provide a list of brands to boycott.

[ children's relief fund ]
humanitarian aid targeted to sick and injured children.
[ advocating for palestine ]
a collection of information that debunks common arguments.

[ click to help palestine ]
a completely FREE way to donate.

[ e-sims for gaza ]
virtual sim cards to connect families in gaza.

[ hygiene kits ]
hygiene kits for afab individuals in gaza.

[ gofundme list ]
list of individuals and families you can donate to.
artistic resources
[ stand with palestine f2u ]
a free base to show your support.


thank you guys for the links sincerely!! i'll add them soon i'm fairly busy


also, here’s another journalist!! she is the one who ordered the 1 week strike



SATALITE_PLACE "are there any other companies outside the US we should avoid as well?"

I don't know any lists for products outside the US, but there's a barcode scanning app that scans products & tells you if it was made by companies that fund israel. It's free & available for ios/apple & android.

Edit: There's another app, boycatapp.


Bumping! <3


Sunkist supports isreal too. 

Thank you for this, it was super helpful for people who don't understand what is going on. My sisters are Palestinian and they have a brother trapped in Palestine currently. Seeing first hand how scary it can be constantly having to worry if your innocent brother got killed in a war and how likely that outcome is makes me wonder how people can even support Israel. It's obvious that the people that do have never seen the bloodshed or known anyone from Palestine. I don't know how people can be so heartless. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


thank you all for your input! i've finally got around to adding all the resources.


Bringing this to attention in case anyone wanted to know, but Etsy has apparently secretly banned the phrase "from the river to the sea" on their site because they arent sure if people using it are saying they want Palestine liberation or the end of israel??? like ??????? They still have pro-palestine shops up but it's still upsetting nonetheless
Anyways if anyone happened to want some alternatives heres a few i found while looking through the aforementioned linked page:

edit: oh and another alternative is reaching out to stores on etsy if you can buy them off of etsy ofc


a strike is organized for feb 18th-25th


Hey I just wanted to add that Israel is targeting Lebanon, Syria, and Iran too.


Lilina this is misinformation! that was from 2011, and i'm sure the store in israel is closed down by now



Actually gonna ping you again, but there's been conflicting information about Sanrio and their stance on Israel, mostly on Twitter. The community note on this tweet also seems a bit off (I heard one of the sources is ai-generated? I didn't see the actual article though) but I can't explain the reason without wording it poorly.


Lilina ohhh god um… hmm yeah that really is something huh. regardless the best solution is to buy knockoffs for now


i dont know if anyone has added this on yet but this google spreadsheet called Operation Olive Branch updates with Palestinian families to directly donate to


being used to collect evacuation funds, its very important because they do not have anywhere else to go and many need urgent medical attention


hey guys! if you like horror and/or graphic novels, check out stillindigo! all profits made off their books and prints go to Palestinian charities.

a friend posted about it on Discord and I wanted to share if anyone was interested. (: