What the most ridiculous DNI that you have seen?

Posted 2 months, 18 days ago (Edited 2 months, 18 days ago) by NappyBby

(EDITED BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE MISUNDERSTOOD!) Mainly that you have seen. But I wanna hear other people opinions.

Let's be nice and don't mention their user for privacy reasons!


A'ight, I'll bite.
Honestly? All of them are pretty silly. It's always been a part of internet culture I've never understood the appeal of.
Sure, it can be used to set boundaries, I guess, but it doesn't stop anyone from interacting with you (and frankly may even encourage harassment...). Especially when you list things like personal health issues or triggers. You're better off just blocking people you don't like than giving them ammo to hurt you with.


I once saw a warning page where somebody essentially threatened legal action if somebody 'copied' their ocs...  Their ocs were all horses with fairly natural horse pelts 

I also think warnings which are like SUPER long and with a list of DNIS are really stupid and come off as so chronically online. Like, what are you going to do irl when you meet somebody with an interest that you personally don't like? Like if you have a DNI like this, (being a bit dramatic here) go outside\

Rambling, but I've also seen warnings where a good chunk of it is just a long blacklist, esply for dumb reasons. Tbh, whenever I see that I assume the person with the warning is the issue


I think most like dni's are pretty useless, unless you're talking about like '18+/-18 dni' kind of thing or like 'nsfw accs dni', as those generally are fair. Having entire fandoms dni is kinda off-putting to me (unless its like an incredibly problematic/bad fandom). Most of the time if someone's dni says something relatively silly, then people wont follow it

Moral of the story, warnings should be mostly used to just warn what is on ur page (and if you have like tabbed stuff, then maybe a dni section or byi section, like mine). i usually just skim through warnings incase there's anything i dont exactly wanna see


Wysppurr I mainly aimed for those DNI about "dni if u are cis men", "DNI if u ship This and this", "DNI if you like a character from specified fandom" or some stuff similar to that. I'm sorry if I make any party feel uncomfortable :'O!! (English isn't my first language)


i saw someone with "dni mlm" but they literally read yaoi 😭😭


LovelyTheLoser that is the wildest list I ever read this has to be satire this cannot be real

I guess I should put one of my own from a time before I even used TH. For a while I was DNI if you only typed in lowercase because I have only had bad experiences with people who do. Still I'm a bit uncomfortable with it but I'm not going to deny myself from interacting with possibly some amazing people just because they essentially whisper on the internet, that's goofy


Honestly it probably is, but seeing how it's on a MYCT server, I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't. If it is, somebody still put in the time and energy to type all of that out

I vaguely remember seeing a list like that but on somebody's discord bio thingy. Might have a sc somewhere

Also @niflabo they might've meant multi-leveling marketing scheme   


I know it's not necessarily the topic at hand, but I'm considering turning content warnings off for ToyHouse altogether because 99% of the people I see are completely misusing them, it feels like I'm one of the few people on the entire site that uses them for their proper intent. No cutesy decorations, no "rules", etc, just using it as a literal warning. 

As others have said "Racists/Transphobes/etc DNI" is stupid because those who are bigoted are never going to admit it, they're usually not going to identify themself as a "racist" person because they obviously see that word as an insult, so they are going to have a D.W. saying "This sign won't stop me because I can't read!" moment when you put that on your DNI. Also, it should be obvious that nobody wants racists to interact with them. Another reason I hate the "Racists DNI" thing is because I fear it will lead some people to believe that anyone who doesn't openly state for racists to DNI is fine with them, which obviously isn't the case. I just don't think it's something that should be specified in the first place because of the reasons I just said, 1. They are not going to listen to your DNI, and 2. It should be expected that nobody wants those people to interact with them so there's not much point stating it. (However, I do feel other political DNIs are actually reasonable, like "DNI Israel supporters" for example, because then I just feel like that's you openly stating your political views, although maybe it would be better suited for a "My stances" post like what people tend to do on Tumblr)

Also as others have dedicated entire threads to discussing, most "fandom DNIs" are pretty ridiculous. I can understand if it's for a problematic fanbase revolving around a morally questionable person/media, but I've literally seen "Invader Zim fans DNI", "My Little Pony fans DNI", "Furries DNI" all on this site. I understand that these are likely caused from the person having a toxic ex-friend who used to be associated with said media, but if it is for a personal reason like that you need to keep it to yourself and just block whenever you see fit rather than publicly stating it like that. Most people are not going to understand why you want fans of a kid's cartoon to never interact with you, they're going to disrespect your boundaries and interact with you anyway at best or openly mock you at worst. And honestly, while I can understand why it would be painful to interact with a fan of certain things while the wound is still fresh, you can't cling to that avoidance forever, and doing so will actually just harm you more in the long run


LovelyTheLoser i wish it was but it 100% meant men loving men because their dni had a lot of men hating stuff too 😭


LovelyTheLoser Tag yourself, I appeared on this DNI 13 times. 

(Also, I LOVE the fact they specifically listed "Total Drama Island fans" and "Total Drama World Tour fans" separately. Total Drama Action fans are safe, as are all the other season fans, apparently)


niflabo naurr wtf  How are you going to be homophobic/hate men and read Yaoi?? Shits fetishization   

SherbetToons Are there even fans of the other seasons? /j


i saw something that said "DNI if you sexualize any type of body" and it makes me laugh so hard to this day because come on man, are allosexuals just not supposed to touch your page. i get what they were probably trying to say but still. if you think your partner is hot do NOT look at me