Bad Customers

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by PicklePantry

We've all had them, or at least know someone who's had to deal with them. From retail, fast food, art commissions and everything in between, there's always at least one customer that either does something you hate or gets on your nerves.

Tell me about them. Stories, rants, things you wish you could tell them at the time.

Tell me all of your bad customer stories. POST AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT. Vent out that anger!

You can talk about your co-workers too, from other cashiers/chefs/etc. to your managers. If it's something bad that happened at work, this is the thread to talk about it.

Edit: It put me IC but I think it's hilarious it chose my cashier OC


Ohhhh god do I have STORIES. I worked at McDonald's for 7 years, lmao. And my job now is basically... customer service for the USAF. Let's see... One of my favorites (by which, the one I hate most) comes from the McD's days. So this old guy comes in and orders something, and then he also hands me a bunch of loose change. He basically said it was for me, so I thanked him and put it into the donation box. Then I go and cash out his order, and when I'm done, he starts yelling at me for stealing... his money. That he freely gave to me. And watched me put into the donation box. IIRC, he called me a dick muncher. I was, uhhh, probably 21 or so at the time? And of course I had to stand there red-faced and take it because if I yelled I'd probably ~get fired~

God I hate the fact that people who are working basically aren't allowed to fight back. And double fuck that "the customer is always right" bullshit, and triple fuck the "kill them with kindness" bullshit because all THAT does is make them feel like they've won and make you look like a pushover.

I have a lot of feelings about this.


 O M G. //Pulls up a ndfoidfd chair//

I worked in retail for about 2 years. Specifically Target. I dont think people understand , you'll slowly start to grow a strong dislike for anyone OTL.

I have a few stories. All happened during the holidays because thats when most customers turn into giant A-holes. I worked in Logistics(I was the person at target before we opened till like 12pm that would stock the isles n shit with products. I worked in the clothing department as we called it "softlines becuz of the rugs on the floor" Anyways, the way we do it, is we have carts full of boxes and bulks of items or items that belong to that section that was thrown into a random box. I was minding my own business casually working , when this ugly frog thing on human legs, rudely pushed me, my cart full of shit and had the balls to say OUTLOUD "You people sure like to get in the way" OHELLNO.  I have a really bad temper so i was grinding my teeth so hard trying not to cuntpunch this woman into outerspace. omgg

nother story, I was working as a cashier. And this was around xmas time. The woman in my line, just bought gum so im like okay. 9/10 people DONT ask for a bag so i didnt really bother. but instead of saying, 'can i get a bag for this please' she ofc said "arent you going to put that in a bag?" "I'm sorry ma'am" "you'd think they would hire people who at least had common sense." BIT CH SCUSE ME. I just i cannot is2 g i could not. i WANTED to bang my head against the register and just zoom the hell away .

ANOTHER time was when I again did cashiering , and it was around the time target said they would allow transgenders to use the bathroom the the gender they identify as. (it was a big hoopla where i live becuz alot of ppl r like hella religious anyways) this man came into my line, and was like does this target allow those trans to use the bathroom. and we were not allowed to discuss it at all, and i said "if you have any questions in regards to our new policy, my higher ups could assist you. Nope. no no . he wanted to go on a good 8 min rampage homophobic rampage in how its not what god wants and etc... im like pls....take your items and leave me alone guy. i called my TL(Team leader) and they got him the hell out

I just want to stress this to people. Anyone who works in retail/fast food, they do not owe you anything. they arent a lesser human becuause its not some fancy career, they are not there to clean up after you, please when you pull that shirt out of the shelf at least try to fold it, even if its just half assed and put it back instead of tossing it on the floor or ontop of the hanged clothing. and if someone is trying to explain to you "this item is no longer on sale" dont blame them, its the companies fault the item is no longer on sale. ans esp in fast food, dont give someone a hard time because you said no pickles, its a busy asf day and there is accidentally one pickle. like chill. you can take it off or kindly ask for a new one. 

okay thats me. I have like...alot more stories. too many. esp dealing with my own co-worked but. i would need a good 10 posts LMAO


@afternath @HellMilk

YES, I'm right there with you on that "Customer is always right" BS. Most of the time they're taking their rage out on us, even when they know they shouldn't. In my store's case, the managers are usually hoping a cashier will talk back just so they can swoop in and be the good guy. They don't take our sides and it KILLS me.

I have way too many stories, lol. Right now I just got off work an hour later than I was supposed to because of this woman that's ALWAYS late. Another worker tried to defend her by saying she walked, and I said I did to. She had this smug grin all, "But do you walk this-and-that far?" And I said, "No, but I time my walks so I know the right fu-king time to leave." God, I hate people. Being a cashier literally taught me how to hate people.


I, too, frequently say McDonald's taught me to hate people. :'D I'm both laughing and angry and relieved at the stories here omg. I feel you guys. I feel you.


This site is a very, very good site



I LOVE THAT SITE. I literally frequent it everyday lol

My story: Asked someone if they needed help (because you know customers have that one look when they need help), "You can't help me." Ah, okay...then her five year old daughter; "But mommy you needed help finding something!" Trying not to laugh at that point and not roll my eyes at the following response; "You can't help me either." Some people are just so odd. Like the customer my poor fiance had to deal with; The guy wanted a refund on his ice cream. Because apparently when he opened it, took a few bites, closed it, and opened it again there was........ICE CRYSTALS. The horror! Ice crystals in ice cream! But the cutest was when a little girl came up to me and said; "HI! I'm (name here)! And its spelled like ----!" Me: Nice to meet you, name! I'm Jory! J-O-R-Y!. The eye sparkles were so worth it lol. And another time, some older gentleman stopped me on my lunch break just to tell me that my hair is awesome and that he hopes that I have an awesome day. I teared up, because I'm really insecure about my hair (biracial hair problems anyone?) and that made my day.

Also in the words of my mommy; "Where do these people come from?" Good question mommy, good question.


i work at a liquor store and recently had someone complain about how "we don't store our bottles correctly" because they "taste funny." as if 1. a multimillion dollar company that deals exclusively in wine and spirits wouldn't invest in appropriate storage for the wine, and 2. i, a part-time, minimum wage cashier, could do anything about how we store it. this isn't even the least of our problems (i regularly get yelled at for asking people for ID, even though i work at, you know, a liquor store) but it's just something that's always stuck with me (:


Well... mum used to own a newsagents (sold papers, cigs, booze, sweets, etc). Always had bad customers. They'd come in when I was serving ;-; all the druggies would see me and flock in. I'd just yell for mum and she'd sort them out. Thieves, all of them.


I work as a vet assistant, and we have some really lovely customers (and really lovely pets) but we definitely have some that are.... not. 

  • On Sundays we close at 2pm, and don't really do a lot of appointments, and we definitely don't do surgeries except for emergencies which never happen (really the only reason why we're open on Sundays is for people who need to pick up medications or food). This one time I was working a Sunday shift and this lady comes in and asks if we could do a dental on her dog. For some reason, the doctor said it was ok and that we'd do it. Did I mention she came in half an hour before closing? I got let out 2 hours later than I was supposed to. I would have understood if it was a regular, but she wasn't. This was her first time at our clinic.

  • This one time we had this big German Shorthaired Pointer who was being hospitalized. My coworker and I went to take her out for a quick walk. We were trying to get her to this grassy area to the side of our building, but the dog kinda panicked and she sat down next to a parked car and wouldn't move. Right as this is happening, some lady is coming in for an appointment. She goes to start parking her car, right in the spot where this dog is. She sees us trying to calm this dog down, but does she back up and give us some space? No. Does she stop her car and let us figure it out? No. Does she find another spot? No. This lady just keeps slowly inching her car forward, because nothing will calm a scared dog like an SUV heading right towards you   

  • We have a lot of shelters and rescues come and bring their animals in for appointments and whatnot. We give them discounted prices, since they're nonprofit organizations and they're also in like all the time. Anyways, we have this one lady who owns like 14 cats (I'm NOT kidding) and thinks she's entitled to shelter discounts because all of her cats are rescues. Like... no. You're not a nonprofit organization. You're not a charity, you're just a woman with more cats than she can afford. For the record, we do try to make accommodations for our clients who don't have a lot of money (and most clinics will). If you can't afford to pay for something, then all you have to do is just tell the doctor and we'll work it out. Or maybe just don't own 14 cats... 

  • This last one isn't as bad, but it just really rubbed me the wrong way. I was working out front and one of our regulars came in and was waiting to see the vet. We started chatting a little bit and she said to me that she could never work in a vet clinic because she thought it would be really sad having to put down animals and whatnot. And I was just like, yeah, that's pretty understandable. But then she starts saying how someone on her facebook recently put down her cat and made a post about it on facebook. So this lady starts saying how it made her sooooo upset and she was upset for like the entire day because of this facebook post and she almost asked the person to take it down and that just really rubbed me the wrong way. Like imagine you've just put down your beloved pet, and you're really sad about it so you make a little tribute post on facebook. And then someone comments on it like "Umm I realize you're sad but can you not? This literally ruined my whole entire day." How selfish and unsympathetic can you get?