How did I not realize how much of an a**hole Mr. Krabs was when I was little??? I mean, I've always known he wasn't nice, but looking back on it I thought, "Damn, he's more awful than I thought. 

Bro should get locked up fr, lol!


Lol. I used to watch SpongeBob all the time as a kid. 


I hated Mr krabs so much as a kid lol


I think when I was very young (3-4), I couldn't really understand that Mr. Krabs was not a morally good character since the only character who stood out to me as being, well, antagonistic was Squidward... I actually didn't even hate Squidward either, so I obviously did not dislike Mr. Krabs in the slightest, perhaps because I was too young to understand his misdeeds very well. 

As I grew older, I had a slight sensation that he was a crook, an asshole, etc., but it didn't dawn on me so well until my caretaker and I started watching a few episodes on Amazon Prime a few weeks ago... God, Mr. Krabs is such a corrupted character, probably the worst and least likeable out of all of them. He definitely deserves a lot of the bad things he experiences. Especially during the episode where he decides to lure kids into the Krusty Krab during summer by creating a dangerous and cheap "playground," allowing SpongeBob to torture himself to keep them happy, and then doing a cheap imitation of a clown character—that was very low-down and dirty, especially considering he saw the kids as walking piles of money rather than people, even worse than he typically treats the adult customers.


i think mr krabs was supposed to represent the typical CEO in America, greedy, only cares about money, mistreats his workers, that kind of thing? or at least that's the general idea behind him ig


he's indeed a crustaceous cheapskate


That’s kinda the whole point of his character. He’s meant to be a caricature of a greedy boss.
Definitly though looking back on it as an adult rather than a child I’m sure it’s worse than you remember lol. I was gonna mention how in later seasons they probably exaggerated his greed as the show went on but there’s also a fairly early episode where he sells SpongeBob for 62 cents. So.