Favorite things about summer?

Posted 4 months, 2 days ago by XxMidnight_AukletxX

IM SO READY FOR IT, I’m in such a summer mood now that I only got 4 days left.

Personally I’m really into mermaid vibes rn, but mostly just into a beach vibe. Been missing the ocean lately, too bad I’m like 10000 miles away from any now.

I also just really like being able to stay up late and work on art, but I’m making it a goal this summer to not go past 12… we’ll see how it goes


+1 on staying up late

Going to the beach (technically a mini waterpark) with my friend(s) and eating the bomb ass chicken/snacks they sell there 

I'm also buying myself a new swimsuit this year after reusing the same one for like. 3 years, so I'm really excited!! Probs gonna see if I can get a friend to come shop along with me 


very niche but summer means my plants explode again and this fills me with joy ❤ I've a hard time in pretty much any other season because of the conditions and climate here. So, summer is very awesome. I like it warm


The sun being out longer, and the fact my mood improves!


the warm weather!! being able to wear short sleeves and shorts and have fans on. it's great having comfortable temperatures at night, and i even like it during the day when not completely baking under the sun (or indoors ofc). the sounds of crickets and cicadas and other lively critters outside. all the greenery!! the general smell of the air, the refreshing feeling of cool breezes in the shade and in the evenings, and fireflies!! getting soft served ice cream, having longer sunlight hours, and all the general vibes and aesthetics associated with the season

there's probably more, but that's what i can think of right now!!

honestly even near sweating to death on really hot days i'll take as part of the experience

can you tell i really love summer 😭


The early mornings and late evenings are superior during summer for sure. The storms are nice when they do show up. I also like observing all of the animals, seeing all the bugs and listening to birdsong


uhh......... everything DFGHJKL i love summer!! (❁´ω`❁)

- hearing the cicadas scream!! and my dog likes to hunt and eat them which is a bit gross but i'm happy it makes him so happy haha

- wearing shorts

- waking up around 5 am and watching the sun rise

- how green everything is!! also the tall grass and foxtails!!

- going out to the woods with my dog before it gets actually hot and the air still feels fresh

- ice-cream! i can have it year-round but it hits different in summer


christmas/new years probably 35 degree heat is hard when nobody has AC but i like christmas :-)


Having the laundry to dry faster.


also swimming at the beach, last christmas it was like, 36/37 (like 96-99F) so after i visited all my family for lunch we walked down to the beach for a dip, it didn't help much because the water was warm but it was fun


going on trips is fun, doin fun stuff outside 👍🏻


Time without snow

Where I live it's snowing like 9-10 months, like even some days ago, AT MAY IT WAS SNOWING HARDLY, and I'm just a big lover of hot weather, I love being in warm and stuff and summer is perfect time for me:)