General pet peeves thread

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by PS-X

6/11/19: big description edit

This is the thread for general pet peeves. I don't mean character ones or fandom pet peeves, I mean random, not specific to anything pet peeves.


1. Please don't name anybody.

2. If anybody starts to argue, take it to profile comments or PMs.

3. Black out any sensitive content.


I wanna vibe or do something in peace in my living room but there would be some people with their cars just gotta randomly make those loud excessive engine noises when they drive by outside my place. Like, dude, why? Torturing my ears :')


Major one: when people 'educate' on proper pet care but 90% of what they're saying is just "This (insert thing here) is bad and this (insert thing here) is good, but I'm not gonna explain why because if you don't know it you're bad,"

I understand where the anger's coming from, especially as a betta owner. But at the same time if all they're doing is insulting people who might not have known (bc sadly proper petcare for a lot of animals still isn't widespread) and vague tips, it'll come off as just being aggressive and they won't bat an eye. I wish I could say this wasn't true but I've met a few people online that won't improve their enclosures because "people are too aggressive about it." 

edit: wording


So many ppl are just 100% gung-ho into fandom shipping culture that no one cares abt non romantic relationships... like I totally get having a preference but I can't say I like two characters together without the immediate assumption that I mean romantically. Or everyone collectively just not giving a shit bcus they're not dating or datable. I love romantic relationships too but can we pls have something else for once. 


"unpopular opinions" that are just as popular as anything else.


"no one likes x" or "no one dislikes x". you're basically negating the people who do like/dislike x and it utterly rubs me the wrong way. heard a lot of it back in the day with "no one likes the star wars prequels". well, guess i'm no one!

don't ping me about this.


@nyaninou I agree sm. Especially when people see stories that are labeled as messed up and then 'cancel' said story cause they don't like the messed up parts they see. I want to and like to create messed up stories but I don't want to get canceled because people don't understand that the media you watch or read, don't always mean what your morals are.


big agree @/nyaninou and @/GaiBai 

I also hate how the main argument for being against any controversial is "fiction affects reality"... just because it can doesn't mean everything will. People aren't stupid and can understand when a topic like murder and abuse shouldn't be done irl 

(and before anyone says it, yes I know propaganda and cp exists and is harmful. but thats on a different plane from a regular story with upsetting topics that doesn't glorify them.)


HUGE agree with the above ^^^ its annoying when a story explores difficult topics and is "cancelled" purely for including the topic or for using a no-no word. ive noticed the kinds of people who do this never look back and truly analyze the things they get angry at. they don't realize how insignificant these "issues" are in the grand scheme of things. can this piece of media potentially cause REAL harm in the REAL world?? if the answer is no and you're being careful with what you make it should be fine.