General pet peeves thread

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by PS-X

6/11/19: big description edit

This is the thread for general pet peeves. I don't mean character ones or fandom pet peeves, I mean random, not specific to anything pet peeves.


1. Please don't name anybody.

2. If anybody starts to argue, take it to profile comments or PMs.

3. Black out any sensitive content.


Vague because it sadly can apply to anything these days. There's no in-between for disagreements, no stepping back and asking themselves if "maybe they don't understand (x) thing" or calmly educating someone on a point. It's always worst case scenario, they're 100% evil.

I know there's certain cases where there shouldn't be any risks taken but thats way rarer than people on the internet act like it is. 

Related: how ok people are with doxing, witchunting, and sending death threats these days is scary. Especially when I see minors take part in it. I hope to God their parents or someone else catches and teaches them "no. This is NOT okay" before they actually get in trouble


'CrEdIt To ThE aRtIst' with no actual links or credit to the artist -_-

it's not actually that much of a problem on TH, but it's super annoying >:(


People using "psychotic" as a synonym for evil. Hello. Do you know what psychosis is? A psychotic person is not the same thing as a psychopathic person, though both terms are pretty ableist to throw around for no reason.

I have paranoia. I've hallucinated before. Not 100% sure if I have a psychotic disorder, but those are psychosis symptoms, and they don't mean I go around murdering people lmaoooo


Related to that. 

I use a flashcard site, and it has a gender box where you have to type it.

I tried entering in "demigirl", It said it was too long. Apparently my gender isn't valid because it is longer than 6 characters.


stop calling skin problems "flaws", it's disgusting and hurtful, especially to the people with stuff like rosacea that CAN NEVER BE CURED and they have to live with it for the rest of their lives and can do nothing about it.

edit: true crime stuff under spoiler but not dealing with the crimes, just writing in general and sexuality but does mention death

i'm going to sound like a dick here because i'm talking about the dead (though, having dealt with death in my family, i can say that someone being dead doesn't make them a saint) but i hate that in true crime EVERY VICTIM is described as being beautiful or given WAY too much hand-waving in regards to their life. being dead doesn't wipe out the bad shit you did.

also i hate that true crime writers seem to shit on any sexual act (and i don't mean forced/unwanted so do not even go there wit hme) that isn't in the dark monogamous missionary LMFAO. OH GOD!! THIS PERSON LIKED WOMEN IN LINGERIE!!! DIABOLICAL!! it's fucking insensitive lmfao, but i guess i shouldn't expect much else from policewoman grandma whose values are still stuck firmly up 1950's ass.


Here are 3 things, that are related do Army(BTS fandom)

Im tired of Army on twitter being like "Stream 24/7 Be" and "the boys are going to be dissapointed on us because all of you are being lazy and wont stream :(", Listen i love BTS i have participated on Streams, contests, etc, before. But because i wont do it 24/7 doesn't mean im a "fake", neither they will be dissapointed on us just because we didn't give them the 1# on hot 100 billboard with all their songs, they know how much we love them and care.

Other thing would be the shaming because of your bias, every time i say my bias is JungKook and JiMin everyone is like "oh so you are one of those" "so you are a solo stan" "Like everyone else" dude- the fact that they are my bias doesn't mean i don't love the rest the same i just have a different "connection" with them

The last thing would be the fact that alot of Armys think that a male fan means a boyfriend, on top of that calling us ArmyBoy, the fandom name has no gender in first place, i had a lot of experiences of people being like "OMG ARE YOU AN ARMYBOY?!?" and then they get disapointed because im trans? Like if that doesn't validate me as the male part of the fandom, i even read a comment that sayed "Army boys are sooo rare" like yeah a big part of the fandom is female but there actually a lot of male fans too.


I watch a lot of crime videos on Youtube just because that's my jam, I find criminal psychology very fascinating. What peeves me is when Youtubers put sponsors in videos depicting a real person's disappearance. Someone is missing and hasn't been found, so you're using this as an opportunity to peddle Raycons? The missing person in question could be in real danger right now, but I'm glad to know your priorities are with Nord VPN. /s

I understand some Youtubers need sponsors to grow their channel but putting it before even discussing the topic and real person at hand comes off as greedy and disrespectful, not only to the missing but to their families as well. At the very least, put it at the end of the video or something. I watch these videos to learn more about these people, not listen to Youtubers babble about wireless headphones for 2 minutes. 

If I go missing and some money-hungry Youtuber tries to make bank by sensationalizing it, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm coming out of the woodwork just to smack them.


nyainou I figured. I still think its in bad taste though.