Share your current favorite song!

Posted 5 years, 27 days ago (Edited 5 years, 27 days ago) by mothgf

Sorry if theres a thread already like this one. ;v;
I figured it'd be fun to make a thread where we all post our favorite song as of right now, whenever 'right now' might be!
After all, music tastes change, and that's just as true for our favorite songs. For me it changes like the wind. lol
Feel free to post again at any point whenever your favorite changes!

To start us off, right now, my favorite that I can't stop replaying is KIRA's Boom Boom Boom!
for a UTAU ham sounds absolutely great..... 

sp00kypaw def weird machine by droeloe!! it's helped me a lot with my current break-up 


nothing, nowhere. - hammer is my current fave.. everything by n,n. is amazing.


songs i genuinely cant stop listening to recently (its honestly concerning)

old town road

itzy - dalla dalla

sunmi - noir

studio killers - dirty car

anddd squid melody

i cant stop listening to KIRA's new song, Hook'd!


Aye I have a lot, and they're all by Mili. I can't stop listening to Victim, because it's so good. (It's also on my profile if anyone's curious heheh)


This UTAU song by itikura

It's magical!  I have no idea what it's about, but I put the song name into google translate and it came out as "Lost Neuron"......  Hmm.


Araki's cover of Snow Drive has been a real banger to me lately (the original is by Omoi!)