Artist Identification Thread

Posted 9 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by minsu

Have a piece of art that you aren't sure who drew? Post here and maybe someone will recognize the piece or style and help you out!

 Toxic SmokyJax

Most of the art pieces of toxic are unknown I really want to credit them. Please ping me if you know the artists

Reo Cookie ninialex


Looking for the person who made this character

 Nadezia VapeNash420

Been a hot minute since my first post here, but I'm still looking for the creator of this character! He was received in some Gift an OC thread with the only information in the credit box being "someoneonyoutube"

 Zuzu Quartzstorage

Looking for the maker of this character, I received them as just a Icon and would love to find the original piece of art. The only link I have is to an old google plus account, which google plus is now obsolete.. I'm sure they exist elsewhere though!


Hi! I am searching for original creators of some of my babes!


SINNERIOT ^^ my fav designer! could tell right away.

no problemo, glad to have helped! enjoy him ;v;/


I'm still searching for the artists and/or designers of the following: 

Unknown art:

-First 5 pieces in their gallery are unknown.  



- ( and who colored the lines in and the lineart artist if it turns out to be a base.)



Unknown designers:


- (obtained on a discord server a while ago before i had any decent form of character storage but the server isn't there anymore and now i have no ways of finding out the designer. i own #1)

if anyone manages to find anything it will be greatly appreciated! please ping me or message if you do find anything. ^^

Quinn ninialex

Ok keep posting this but anybody know who crated this character?

Asked the person who made the other picture and they said they didn't know