Artist Identification Thread

Posted 9 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by minsu

Have a piece of art that you aren't sure who drew? Post here and maybe someone will recognize the piece or style and help you out!



Hisa kandikytty

I just got this character from the freebie bin and didn't realize until later that it had no artist/creator credit. I asked the person that gave it to me but they didn't know so I was hoping someone here might.


kandikytty the base is made by ariamisu on dA! haven't been able to find who actually did the adopt though. but it's a start 




thank you so so much!! 



Thank you! At least I have something to go off of now!


I'm looking for the artist of these images/the creator of this guy! I bought him recently from someone who got him as a custom a while back and forgot the artists name ;__; I want to def give credit to the artist so any help is greatly appreciated! 

Durick _featherweather

So I just got this boy and only when I went and edit him did I notive he has no credits so if anyone can help I would be thankful ;3;


Any ideas who this character design and art is by?

I think I purchased from either kavaro or @vickypandora but I don't remember them having the artist either...



@fehnryr it's by asstronomical on dA (: