New FE Heroes thread!

Posted 7 years, 1 day ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Papes

Since the old one's dead. Have fun folks


Dolce Hector is so great. xD Also wishing you luck in your quest for a Valentine unit!

In my quest for V!Lyn, I've gotten a second Valentine Lilina and L'Arachel (4*, though promptly promoted to 5*). I think the banner is trying to tell me to take what I've got and stop pulling. o.o''


:'D Thank you, thank you!

I think posting Hector memes worked. I just got V!Lyn today! Although I didn't notice she was an armored unit. I'm looking at her art trying to figure out how she is... I did that with Halloween Henry too after I got him, p sure it was the gigantic coffin he was carrying around. Inconclusive results though lol, is she so bad at walking in a dress that they made her an armored unit? Did I miss something?

Kind of sad though that all her stats are inferior to my Halloween Henry (I figure they share slightly similar niches as armored mages w/ Armor March 3). Guess I have to get to work on getting some good skills for her!


Dolce Hey, we both got V!Lyn then! :D (that also means my Valentine unit collection is complete. Now what to do with my extra V!Lilina...)

Actually, that extra Spd she has lets here compete with H!Henry (it's actually the highest Spd of any armored unit, and the second highest Spd of any mage period. O.o). Granted, you're not gonna pitch a blue mage against a high res green mage, but hey. As one of few blue armored units, V!Lyn is a great choice with Blarowl. :D

I need to think of how to build Lyn emblem now...


Yes, she's a pretty great addition to any armor emblem team! I can finally have another counter to Armor!Tharja besides Fjorm... lol

... If only I could get the 20k feathers to promote Mae, then sack her to Lyn for Blarowl+ XD


So looks like FE Heroes is getting a new banner?

HARDIN HERE I COME! There's two units off that list I wanted from page 20 :D (the first being Lyon of course.)


Dolce glad I'm not the only one excited for Hardin. His artwork is super faithful to the original (fitting, since it's drawn by the same artist). He looks great, and... in all honesty this was a super unexpected banner theme. Very welcome though. I for one would love more curveball banner themes like this, rather than the expected "Awakening" or "Blazing Blade" themes.


Day 1 of trying to get Hardin: Game gave me no blue orbs to pull from. Got Grima instead. Wrong villain. :'( HARDIN, I'M ON MY WAY!


All the luck I didn't have in the Legendary banner went into this one . . . got everyone + zelgius & sonia within 150 gems T_T


I said to myself after the ridiculousness that was the Love Abounds banner, I wouldn't get lucky again. why, in just one session of summoning, did both Hardin and Celica come home? I can't help but feel this is foreboding something in the future. o.o'' *is scared*


So I found out my Grima is -Atk/+Spd... worthless IVs honestly...

This is just like my Brave!Lyn, who is -Atk... like, I'm happy I got the unit (because I chose Brave!Ike as my free unit) bUT WITH THOSE IVS? C'MON....



Dolce hardly worthless. He still has 53 attack with his weapon equipped. :o


Ow ow ow. Takumi's infernal GHB is quite the beast. I was not expecting it to be this hard. o.O''