New FE Heroes thread!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Papes

Since the old one's dead. Have fun folks


*joins in with everyone else mourning our low orb counts*


whooo got florlyna

wish i had also pulled navarre but this is more than okay


I'm a bit disappointed with Lucina's Resplendent Hero art, ngl :/


She looks really cute, but I wish she was older-looking. I like the design, but I would have loved to see her looking more like a young adult than a child.


Man, I thought Lucina got a child alt when I first saw that art . . . the art is gorgeous and it's probs just a style thing, but she looks . . . like a tween. 

anyway C O M P L A I N S gimme resplendent Ephraim and Lyon's tome refine plx!!! QQQQQQQq


It's not just a style thing, this artist is fully capable of drawing women who look like adults, or at least not like 10yos (see: Etrian Odyssey 5's Rover 4, Necromancer 4 (extreme horny warning if you look that up), Warlock 4). This is just Intsys not really putting pressure on them to actually do that.


oh my goddddddddd I hate the new pawns of loki game mode, it is at once insufferably boring and really time consuming and you have to do it SO. MANY. TIMESSSSSSSSSSS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Why’d they shit on sharena’s character arc by making it just a dream? 


pawns of loki was better before they revealed that it was secretly a pvp mode the entire time, i had fun playing it before then :/


pulling free genny + dieck and guinivere in 20 orbs... let's gooo


aa0.pngMy mood right now in regards to... whatever that chapter was. I'm still only playing FEH for the story chapters (plus possible seasonal units) and not bothering with the new game features/ events, but like... the chapters have all been so disappointing to me, RIP. They really did Sharena dirty like that.


I finally got Seteth, Zihark and Navarre.