When do you post a new character?

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago by Pine_Niidles

When do you upload an oc?

37 Votes As soon as you have a name/concept
12 Votes When you have a completed profile
109 Votes When you have at least one drawing of them
3 Votes When you have multiple drawing of them
17 Votes When you have art AND a completed profile
37 Votes Whenever you stop feeling too lazy ;>

I've been thinking about this, since I've been wanting to finish a character's profile before posting them since then they'd be freshly reading for people to read - or at least have a decent amount of art for them so there'd be something to look at, but I'm really slow at writing out profiles even for the ocs I already have uploaded. Also my friends have wanted me to upload some of my other characters so they can make links to them or simply so they can attribute a name to a face.

So I was wondering, when do you all upload your ocs? Do you like to have their profiles done? Have some art for them to show off? Or just right off the bat as soon as you've got them?


It's either when I have at least 1 pic of them, or as soon as I get the concept/name down.

Kindof a dumb reason, but I like to give my characters birthdays and unless there's a special reason (eg: i forgot when i created/first drew them, or I wanted a specific date) it's the day I created them or first posted about them


Writing  profile really takes a LOT of effort for me, I can't write for shit, so I usually upload them once I have at least one finished drawing (and that I know that I will be using that OC of course)


I come up with the concept and name before getting art, but I upload after I have at least one drawing of them! Bios, on the other hand, take me forever depending on my writing muse lmao - it can take me months to do a character’s bio.


As soon as i get them and I'm able to. Haft of ocs don't even have names but I'll get to them. 

One day.


I try to have at least an avatar and basic information (name, gender, etc) before I make my profiles public. Art isn't as important to me and sometimes I'll just upload a quick sketch or something to give people a general idea. Information tends to be more important to me in the early stages as I'm fleshing out a character and I'm lazy, so references can take ages to finish


I can't upload a character until I have:

  • A full profile ready with the bio, even if it's simple, I need to have every single character have a different type of profile, so each time I gotta look for a new code (I coded some stuff myself but.. I don't really like coding sjhgsd so I usually resort to finding something I can use instead)
  • Ref picture
  • at least one more art piece, either a chibi or a portrait, ideally both!
I still have characters who I have yet to upload just because I haven't had the time to get/make the art I need to properly complete the profile sjfhskdgj I hate uploading characters with empty profiles/galleries, I want people to immediately have content to look at when they click at any of my kiddos!!

Characters get uploaded the moment I have a solid concept in mind, though a lot of them stay private until I have a decent reference and maybe a proper icon for them. I'm a visual person with a terrible memory so it's pretty much my only way of keeping track of which characters still needed to be worked on before I make their profiles public lmao.

Adding on to me being a visual person - writing out bios isn't a priority at all, and the ones I do write tend to be extremely short blurbs just to get a general idea out. Even then, I still have a few publicly veiwable characters I consider incomplete. The actual point of "completion" to me is when I can adequately show their personality, story, or general tone just from the images in their gallery.


Typically as soon as I have art of them, or at the very least something to hold the place of art! I like to post bios as soon as I upload characters, but I don't always do it. y__y;;


I wait until I finish the character's ref and then I'll edit the profile when I get around to it


I'm such a perfectionist so I like to at least have a good chunk of their profile done before posting them, at least enough info that those who click them get a sense of what they're all about. After that I like to go back and edit details as I flesh out their story arcs.


It depends on how they were created. A lot exist because they were written about and others started out as designs and given other things later. This is why there is over 500 characters in my account. I plan to keep track of every single kiddo I created over the years, but I lost several to time already. Oof. I use the time I upload them on here as my character's birthdays.

Profiles are only here just to yeet info onto and then check on later. This is all for my personal use and to store info of my characters for projects. I don't wanna burden myself and add profiles for all of my ocs.

Wish me luck with backing up every single one in case TH dies or something...I've been trying for two months now and I got nearly 100.


ALWAYS when i have at least one decent drawing. I want to show people my character, not just from text (as i dont have interest in text only characters myself) , mainly along with at least a small conecpt. At least for self made characters. I  sometimes make some characters info later, which I adopted (haven´t made myself) because it takes a little while until i come up with something for them when they arent self made


I usually upload them once I have an idea of who they are, even if their profile isn't 100% complete, and make them private until I get at least one drawing of them, aka the reference. As a writer, it's way easier to come up with a personality and story than a design, so if I'm designing them myself, I prefer to develop them first so that I won't end up changing their outfit or color palette once I've started, since I'm not that good at drawing and really dislike having to redo things. If the design is an adopt or a custom I got from someone, I upload them as soon as I get the art reference and develop them later, once I've decided what story would fit them better (if I hadn't thought about that beforehand, that is).